While Re'Larvine ran around the forest beyond the village, things ticked over in the new village.
Wood was gathered, more traps set and more Ral refugees arrived.
But in the training hall one citizen worked and practiced.
When Re'Larvine returned to the village he took it upon himself to teach this Ral the finer points of combat; how to use the hooked fingers and strong arms to cling to the back of a foe and use them to break the limbs of the enemy, how to deliver a powerful and lethal bite to the back of a foe's thoart and how to pounce from the tree tops and land on unspecting prey.
10ebbor 10: 7( Supposed to be gray)
Evil Marahadja: 5
adwarf: 5
Mcclay: 4
This is a fairly important part of the game. Every time you post your actions(After you have calculated and ran your entire turn), you change the number behind your name to the highest number in the list or Your number+1, whichever is higher. You cannot attack a player who's number is lower than yours.
-Communication system(Buried in the ground, counts as a leader building for receiving reinforcements) DETECTOR
-2 Solar Power Generator
-Ditch + Perimeter wall
-2 Mine: Produces 2 resources/turn. Requires 1 power.
- 2 construction and maintenance droids(0.5 meter high, look like chrome metal bugs)
-Buildings: Road
- 4 construction and maintenance droids(0.5 meter high, look like chrome metal bugs)
- 1 mining droid( Several meters high, laser mounted onto caterpillar tracks)
- 5 units of Shredders( Repurposed nanobots, rather then repairing things, these deconstruct others, Can multiply using metal)Needs other unit to move itself
-Units: 1 scout drone
10 Metal scrap
6 Stone
-12 Bugdwellers (5, Q5, 2,Q4 3,Q6 1,R5 1,R4 )
-2 Great Spawners (Q4) (Q5)
-1 Spawner (Q6)
-1 Waterbug (O6)
2 Organic material.
Bugdwellers: The main workforce for The Hive, gathers resources and scouts the local area. But bad at fighting. They are small but fast creatures. With razorsharp claws that can cut almost everything.
Great Spawner: More of an building than a real unit. Its imobile and it stores resources and creates new spawns for the Hive. Abovegrund its farily small, just above one meter, as most of the mass is located underground. A great spawner is able to create 2 bugdwellers each turn provided it gets 2 resources to make them. It is also able to create more advanced lifeforms.
Waterbugs: Lives in water. Ware able to drag down landliving creatures into the water and drown them. Moves four tiles in water, but canīt move on land.
Base Pop:7/12
- 4 Tygashji
- 1 Spear Tygashji (Armed With Spear)
- 1 Civilian Tygashji [Within the Shrine to Dogash]
- High Tygasji 'Helish Tygah' (Leader, Spear)
- 8 Houses (Carved into Tree Trunks)
- Store House (Protects Supplies from Thievery)
- Shrine to Dogash (Purpose Hidden)
- Vine Wall (Conceals the village)
2 Food
2 Wood [-6 In construction of the Shrine]
Attracts 1 Civilian Tygashji every three turns for 1 Food (3 Turns Remaining)
Tygashji: The Tygashji are similar to wolves, but about three times as large as the average human, and are just as smart as humans. They can stand on their hind legs, and walk about, but prefer to run on all fours. They also use weapons sometimes, but prefer fang and claw. [Racial Bonus: +1 to Movement Speed over any Forest, or Plain tiles
7 Ral Tribesman (d23)
2 Ral Warrior (d23)
Small Clan hall (house)
Training hall (powered by food, converts citizens to warriors for four food)
Shirne to the Gods (leader building)
Animal traps (produce 1 unit of food a turn, adds 1 to the attack of any Ral defending this square, temp building 3 turns left)
Animal traps (produce 1 unit of food a turn, adds 1 to the attack of any Ral defending this square, temp building 4 turns left)
3 wood(0+4 gathering -1 animal traps)
0 food(5+1 animal traps, -4 training -2 citizen recruitment)
1 citizen(1-1 training +1 recruitment)
Racial advantage/disadvantage:
Ral can move an extra square through forest or forestlike squares but move one square less on any other terrain.
(This means the Ral must always move fast to be able to move across normal terrain)
1 Shis'kal overlord (G11)
5 Shish'kal drop troops (H11)
Sir Tirus, Cavalier of Arkoria (Lord, Cavalry)
3 Peasant Laborers
1 Peasant Hunter
G11: glass desert, crater.
A1: Adwarf's Village (If someone could please draw two green crossed spears in the sky of that tile)