4 years in, I have 114 goblins in the pit... 138 have ambushed me so far... And 5 snatchers... That's an average of 35/36 goblins a year... 143 total.
Turns out that claim/forbidding them in their cages before dumping didn't get everything... At least a few kept their swords ... The scorpion only killed 15 before dying
I did discover, however, that they have a preference for giant cave spider silk items... I've barely used any, and what I have used has gotten me 20,000 in trade value, so I defiantly have an awesome trade resource here, lol.
Well, my trap hall is nearly complete, haven't lost a dwarf in over a year (yay), population is back up to 55, 100 dwarves buried, another 50 or so to go. Things appear to be turning around... I've been letting the traders that make it through have a few thousand in trade value to take home... Trying to offset the 2 Elven, 2 Human, and 2 Dwarven caravans that have been killed, lol...
Question, I thought I read on the Wiki somewhere you can pen or restrain an animal on a tile above your path, and it can see all around itself, keeping it safe, while at the same time still detecting thieves on the z-level beneath it... But now I can't find it to confirm, large wiki. Am I remembering correctly?
Despite spending almost my entire time defending and rebuilding and whatnot, I'm still at 281885 wealth, so that's growing nicely too:-)