Hi everyone.
I just found about the included macro option in DF. Formerly I used Quickfort/Chromafort, mostly just see if they work like intended. A lot of time has past since then, and a month ago I started my first mod. One goal of the mod is userfriendliness. Although undwarvish, I would like to make it more appealing for newer players. This is the reason for this contest. I would like you to post your best macros, your room designs, fortress designs, complex traps, mist-generators or pump-stacks.
The rules are:- Every macro needs a screenshot showing the designation. -
- Every macro needs a screenshot showing the endproduct (of it has multiple Z-levels, one level is enough) -
- The macro always starts in the upper left corner, or centered. -
- It should have a recognizeable name, the amount of tiles needed and the amount of items needed. -
- Macros with Items should be splitted into two parts: The designation and the items. -
Example: First Macro makes the digging designation. When all is dug out, the second macro adds all the doors, beds, cabinets and so on. UL stands for Upper-left, C stands for Centered.
First Macro: Fractal Bedrooms, Designation, 50*50, UL
Second Macro: Fractal Bedrooms, Items, 50*50, UL
Third Macro: Circle, Designation, 10*10, C
How macros work: Hitting ctrl-r makes the game start recording your keystrokes, and the game will continue recording them until you hit ctrl-r a second time. Then, you can hit ctrl-p to play the currently-active macro, ctrl-s to save the macro (this will bring up a box that lets you name it), and ctrl-l to load a saved macro.
The best ones will be added into my mod, or even added to a Macro-list in the wiki.