I've had the idea for a while of a little game wherin players would take the roll of astronauts or mission control and try to fix a problem to do with a failure on a space mission.
Obviously making a truly accurate simulation would require a far more knowledgable person than myself, so this would be a fairly ad hoc and 'friendly' version.
Think its worth while?
Anyone want to help with possible errors/damaged components?Obviously we could start with the Apollo 13 historical errors with the destroyed o2 tanks, main bus b undervolt, err I think the Co2 scrubbers were damaged or overused as 3 people were then in the LEM. Other than that tho, there are potentially
hundreds millions of problems possible.
Another way to doit would be to jump in the deep end, randomly generate, within reason, some error locations, then research the possible problems with possible solutions and see how people cope.
I guess the astronaut interaction would have to be done in a RPG fashion, IE this task is difficult, will take this long such and such.
If its worth while doing, it will be done in a kind of pen and paper RPG fashion.
Also I would have a panel of 'experts' who are basicly me and people assisting me in researching problems and potential failures with equipment, cascade failures etc.
I dont NEED help here, but I think the more people who do, the better the simulation and the more fun the 'game'The complexity is extremely optional, but I think the fun may be discussing potential ways to fix a problem and time management, so the simpler the problem, the easier the game.