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Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O

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So yeah, there are things you encounter every day that don't make sense. This for things that have confused you today.

I'll start: While looking through folders for older versions of Dwarf Fortress, I came across various download-related files for Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries. I don't remember putting them there, but it's entirely possible that I did, since, well, they're right there. I coulda sworn I deleted them, though...

My friend calls these moments, "getting hit by the what the fuck-truck"

One time, I was helping my friend get a file on his flashdrive.
He had to much space occupied, I had to delete a old folder which only my friend's friend uses, and the file was put in. During deletion, I saw what appeared to be a game of some sort. Curious, I looked up said game on wikipedia. Turns out, my friend's friend had put data for a Adult(If you know what I mean) game on his flashdrive, and he didn't know it.

From that point out, I stopped helping him with such nonsense. I never told him what I saw.

WTF indeed.


I think the weirdest thing happening to me right now is the number of people on crutches at my school. It seems like everyone is walking around with two aluminum crutches nowadays. Extremely WTF.


--- Quote from: inteuniso on October 20, 2010, 06:43:17 pm ---WTF?

I think the weirdest thing happening to me right now is the number of people on crutches at my school. It seems like everyone is walking around with two aluminum crutches nowadays. Extremely WTF.

--- End quote ---
Maybe there's a loan shark operating at your school. Those kids couldn't pay him back, so he had to break their kneecaps.

It's the only explanation.


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