Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

New UI is shit.

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Just downloaded and started 50.12 (after a 2 or 3 year pause, since 43.x or 45.x, don't remember)

Aaaand WTF?!

New UI is almost unplayable.
No shortcuts visible.
Where's side panel?

Why anything have to be pressed or viewed by mouse?

Won't play new versions of DF anymore.

Tried hard.

Totally unplayable without visible hotkeys.

So, it's sad to say, but - never again.
I won't play with this new UI.

Well, you may not be the only one, but what is sure is that you are in (by a large margin) minority.
It's sad, though.

I keep watching, waiting... for the interface to be useable again... without the mouse.
Until then, 0.47.05 is the game for me.
Yes, it's very sad.

Doren I:
You get used to it, the same way you get used to the original UI.  I’m up to nearly my old speed and I only started playing the new version a couple weeks ago, and it’s nice that not all menus pause the game; before it was only the squads menu.

Many things I do miss, though.  UMKH was too visionary for our time


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