Dwarf Fortress > DF Announcements

Dwarf Fortress 50.05 Released

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Toady One:
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Welcome to Putnam, who started this year and prepared this important fix for a nasty save corruption bug.  (and the other fixes as well)

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed saved corruption caused by certain armies bringing uninitialized protocreatures instead of monsters

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Sped up line-of-sight code
   (*) Bees no longer included in food count


Very cool!

I assume this relates to the reports of cavern invasions causing save corruption, and the line-of-sight code relates to what Putnam had found earlier about major FPS-drains on fortresses.

Looks like I might not have to disable cavern invasions in my latest fort after all, and excited to see if it has any FPS benefit for later-game / larger forts!

Since 50.01 I've not had any announcements like the local bandit camp has joined my fort for economic reasons (they wanna rob us). Have these announcements of economic links been been rehidden in this version?

Flying Dice:
I've very glad to see that it was Putnam (or any other longtime contributor) rather than someone unfamiliar with the game! (Also glad to see the cavern mount CTD resolved haha.)

I know you're probably still sorting things out, but is the general intent for him to work mainly on bugfixing, optimizations, and porting utility content into the game while you focus more closely on building out the core systems and content?


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