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Bartender of Galactic Refueling Outpost 254831: Arnold!

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Once upon a time, you were a Drone.

Specifically bred and modified since conception until birth, then carefully brought up to serve a singular purpose. Well...

...that's until the Great Galactic War. EXO-LUMINA Corp's rule ended, the democracy returned (except in places where brutal military dictatorships took over), and the New Galactic Federation is trying stardate-by-stardate to restore human civilization from its knees.

But the instability and brutality of the past 27 years is gone. With the New Galactic Federation's Basic Rights Charter, you're no longer a Drone - you're now legally free person, and an adult, at that.

Homeless, without family, you were doing oddjobs and drifting about the galaxy without much purpose. Finally, at brink of starvation and despair, you've applied for the first job you could find on the constantly shifting Job Network.

Bartending for Synthol Refueling Conglomerate, at the Galactic Refueling Outpost 254831, Zanzibar Sector.

Designated Sex: Male, Female, Binary, Neuter
Conversational Programming: Hot-headed, Flirty, Chilly, Chatty, Amenable (pick 2)

List of Days: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spoiler: EMPLOYEE FILE### (click to show/hide)Name: Σ-9QP1-KR23-LMJX-01P3 Arnold.
Designated Sex: Male
Conversational Programming: Chatty, Flirty
Pre-Bartending Programming: Space Infantry
Skills Gained: SRC Maintenance Manual Mastery


Maximum Spin:
Nechtan Venkessla
Flirty, Chilly

Ah shit, it's BACK!
I love this game!

Designated sex: Trinary  :P


Name: Σ-9QP1-KR23-LMJX-01P3 Arnold. Our friends call us Arnie (or they would, if we had any).
Designated Sex: Male
Conversational Programming: Chatty, Amenable, Flirty

What's the difference between Chatty and Amenable anyway?


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