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Dwarf Fortress Talk #28 Feedback

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Toady One:
The twenty-eighth one has been posted.

Any comments about the format, content, quality, etc. of the call are welcome.  DF Talk questions are welcome.  We'll need a fresh batch of questions, so please keep them coming.

Transcript:  We've been piling them on, so we're still back at episode 24!  Hopefully this will come together over time. (x3)

Credits/acknowledgements for this time:

Capntastic has a Twitch channel now at goodmorsel.  You can follow Capntastic on Twitter and support Capntastic on Patreon.

Mentioned in the episode: RisingSunZ (Twitch), Hyperbolica (Steam), Realms of Antiquity.

Animated cheese maggots!
Ha ha ha... 🤣

Regarding mine carts and rubble:

It looks to me that you'd need partial volumes (such as depleting sand/clay deposits and soil movement terraforming) to implement a stockpile/dump site/zone for rock rubble and then have rubble being moved to the stockpiles(s) using mine carts but without actually constructing any tracks (leaving tracks for hauling routes, but ignore the tedium, confusion, and ugliness of having tracks through your tavern just because you're expanding beyond it. Also, leaving staircases as a viable option to reach further down and still get the rubble out is useful, although elevators could still be required after they've been implemented, if dorfs can be taught to use them for hauling transport). These stockpiles would need to have some kind of rules about how high they may grow before getting full (3D definition?).
Rock rubble might be possible to use as a construction or crafting material so it won't just be a matter of garbage disposal.

Only just got around to listening to this[1]. I haven't seen the original 'request' for a hex grid, supposedly to help with diagonals, but you need to consider that it may give you two sets of diagonals face-to-face, but either sideways or up/down (your choice[2]) are now corner-to-corner passes. Which is at least as annoying if you aren't happy with that from the start.

Coordinating hexes is a little awkward. You can do a skewed grid[3] of /_/ or \_\ 'squares' or alternate miss-odd/miss-even[4] without skewing (assuming you don't use 'halves', or don't explicitly but assume[5] so).  Yeah, I'd say that if you're not (re)starting out anew, best avoid trying to convert. ;)

(Also, the standard cube is a hexahedron, as I'm sure you realised later. Though you mean something with >6 edges with non-orthagonal face-to-face angles, which is a bit awkward. You probably should take a cue from the (not necessarily platonic) solid that uses the 'kissing' points of one or other packing of spheres. I think an edge-kissing lattice of octahedra (fudge the unkissing gaps between, or overlaps if you nudge them closer to have face-centre touching face-centre) as  is probably most logical but might be all diagonals[6], or else choose just 1D out of the 3 to be axis-orthagonal if you twist it accordingly.)

I think I had that particular hyperbolic game on my prior tablet. I must get it onto this one some time. If you could tightly pack icosohedra in (necessarily) non-Euclidean 3D space then you'd have plenty of player-choices for straight lines -  but weirdness in general and very few practical right-angles to any given axis!

Hah, I'm rambling. Don't mind me, the thing next in my listening queue that is playing to me now (no further D-things, nor E-things or F-things, it's a G-thing!) is distracting me from properly composing this. So E&OE, possibly. Someone else'll spot an elementary geometric error that crept in, I'm sure  :P

[1] I have a lot of things 'queued' and I try to go through in wrappedharound alphabetic. Just got (back) to the Ds...
[2] ...or skew the hexes so that neither orthagonal is represented, say 45°, 105°, 165°, 225°, 285°, 345° and wrap. ;)
--- Code: ---2,4 3,4 4,4 5,4 6,4
  2,3 3,3 4,3 5,3
1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2 5,2
  1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0

--- End code ---
--- Code: ---0,4 2,4 4,4 6,4 8,4
  1,3 3,3 5,3 7,3
0,2 2,2 4,2 6,2 8,2
  1,1 3,1 5,1 7,1
0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0

--- End code ---
--- Code: ---0,4 1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4
  0,3 1,3 2,3 3,3
0,2 1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2
  0,1 1,1 2,1 3,1
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0

--- End code ---
[6] Unless you prioritise corner-to-corner travel, when its two mutually exclusive but entwined cubic packings.

hey good news you said my name right the first time.  It's neb-lime  :)


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