Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding


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The modding questions thread sometimes gets very cluttered, and different people know more about some categories, and less about others. For creatures, I would ask hugo, for interactions I would ask narhiril, for entities, deon. I hope it is a good idea to split the old questions thread into fields. If you disagree, simply dont post here, and it will disappear from itself after a few days ;)
All reaction related  questions go here.Modding Guide on Wiki
Reactions Explanation
All Item Token
All Material Token

Hmm, I guess for adventure reactions and some reactions in general you could ask me. I tend to do a lot of adventure modding.

Reactions are one of my specialties, Creatures are like you said another. I only know as much as I do, cause I played around with the ABS and Inorganic creatures. Also the old Undead for Regeneration helped and the bloodbeast. Once I learned how Functional Bodyparts work it was easy street from there.

But reactions are pretty high up there too, same as interactions (well kindof it's still new)

Posting to watch.  I approve of such a thread.  But can't contribute anything to kickstart this yet since I'm at school.

So, is this thread open for questions yet? I'm not sure if it's a change made in .34 or if I screwed up royally somewhere, but I've horribly broken the Black Powder Firearms mod somehow and I don't know why. (Details in the thread.)


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