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Messages - Sappho

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DF Suggestions / Forum Issue with Avatar Images
« on: October 30, 2019, 11:32:21 am »
Sorry, this isn't DF-related, but I was worried it wouldn't be seen by Toady or Threetoe if I stuck it in the General category.

I just had to change my avatar image (turns out Photobucket isn't free anymore so they'd blurred my old one) and it wasn't accepting the link no matter where I hosted it. Finally I figured out why: it only accepts http, not https. Since almost everything defaults to https now, this is likely to stump quite a few people (took me about 20 minutes of fiddling to figure it out). If it can't be set up to accept https, perhaps a note could at least be added to the edit forum profile screen warning people of this little quirk?

DF General Discussion / Re: *We need your help with game ending stress*
« on: October 30, 2019, 11:00:43 am »
Pretty much everything has been covered, so just chiming in with my personal experience as a 12-year player (with some long gaps here and there, but I still play and even stream the game all the time today). These are the top issues that cause me to abandon a fort because the tantrum spirals are becoming untenable:

1. Food. It's basically impossible to satisfy their desire for "decent" meals, since this has nothing to do with the quality and everything to do with whether you get lucky enough that they crave ingredients you can actually obtain/produce (and if they happen to be close enough to such a meal when they get hungry). I'd say either favorite foods need to be restricted on a civ-by-civ basis, or, preferably, high-quality meals satisfy this need and favorite foods just give a boost.
2. Socialization. They don't do it unless you lock them in a room together (and once I did lock them in a room together, two friends, for an in-game month, and designated the room a tavern, and they refused to speak to each other and just stood there and continued to have bad thoughts from not seeing friends). They seem to need socialization but they don't seek it out at all.
3. Lack of autonomy, generally. I remember the days of "Well, the overseer needs this lever pulled immediately or we're all going to die, but I'm going to go take a break / have a party instead." It was frustrating sometimes but also part of the fun and charm of the game - your dwarfs have their own needs and desires and they will always prioritize those over getting work done. Now it's "Well I'm so stressed from not seeing friends or family, not praying, not having a break from work, and not eating my very favorite food in the world that I'm literally moments away from murdering everyone in this room, but the overseer asked me to dump that boulder, so I guess I'll do that OOPS I'M INSANE NOW."

Dwarfs having needs that need fulfilling is FINE by me, absolutely. But if the means to fulfill those needs are available, they need to go do it. Making it necessary for us to micromanage every single dwarf's living quarters and burrow and military schedule and labors in order to keep them from going completely insane is just a nightmare. I prefer the game where you assign a task and hope a dwarf feels like doing it before it's too late, not the game where your dwarfs will work themselves to death rather than see to their own urgent needs.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: July 19, 2019, 02:54:31 am »
I will eventually do an episode on the INIT files which will include that. I suppose I should do it soon... I didn't want to encourage people to do that right at the start, because once you turn off varied ground tiles, you get used to that and will never understand the original tiles (which I think look far nicer and sometimes provide more information about the tiles - and once you spend an hour or so with varied ground most people get used to it). But on the other hand, I'm very much all about accessibility, and I'm sure some people have legitimate reasons to prefer the unvaried ones, so I will certainly mention them when I finally get to the INIT files (I'll move them up the list a bit, since they are so important). And feel free to leave a comment on the video pointing out this option, so other viewers might see it. It helps my channel a bit as well when people leave comments. :)

The next two planned episodes are the status window (just a basic overview - this one is partially done) and the concept of jobs and labors (a much longer once since I explain what every labor does - this one is written but no recording has been done). Maybe I'll stick the INIT overview after that, or maybe even in between them, since after the jobs/labors one I plan to finally show how to do some specific things in game (building workshops, building furniture, setting up farms, etc.).

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: July 18, 2019, 10:28:29 am »
Huzzah! The next Tut is ready. It's about the various ways to look around the screen and get your bearings.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: July 08, 2019, 10:51:11 am »
I think you're looking for a different game. :P

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: July 04, 2019, 06:20:59 am »
Well hey good news at last! Episode 3 is out, How to Read the Embark Screen. This one was pretty complicated to make so it took longer than expected. Hopefully the next ones will be a bit simpler.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:59:28 pm »
Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, that's a good idea for something to add to the list. I definitely set to audosave seasonally (and backup), and that's not something a new player would know about. Actually, the entire init and d_init files should be covered, but hoo boy, that's not a small thing! Maybe I should break them into small pieces instead of trying to tackle the whole files all at once.

Apologies for the delay on the next episode. There's a hideous heat wave here in central Europe and we don't have air conditioning here, and I've been sick from the heat. It's currently 29C/84.2F in my apartment in the middle of the night... and it was far hotter during the day. We were supposed to get thunderstorms today to cool everything off but I watched on the weather forecast satellite map as the thunderstorms literally diverted *around my city* in real time.  :'( Anyway, it's supposed to cool off tomorrow, so as long as the meteorologists have finally got it right, I should finally be able to make the next episode!

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: June 29, 2019, 07:21:00 am »
What do you mean by "how to make saves?"

The first tutorial is how to manually disable aquifers, and the second is how to generate a world. The next will be how to read and use the embark screen. After that will probably be one just on how to look around the map. Then one on designating, then one on stockpiles... and then we'll go from there. :P

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: June 27, 2019, 08:26:19 am »
The script is already written, just need to find the time to record and edit. It includes most of those things and yeah, it's longer than I prefer the mini-tuts to be, but I couldn't find a way to easily break it up into any smaller pieces than that.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: June 27, 2019, 01:03:10 am »
Look for the dwarves without beards.


DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: June 22, 2019, 04:09:52 am »
Thanks! The first time I did these "mini-tuts" it was for the Minecraft modpack Sevtech. I had been looking for specific information but the only tutorial videos I could find were really long and it was a nightmare trying to find the answer to the specific question I had. I thought some shorter, targeted mini-tutorials would be useful to people, and it seems I was right!

Been a bit held up with the next video - planning a new roleplaying campaign with some friends starting tomorrow and like a fool I decided to create and entirely original setting for it. :P But there will be more within the next few days. My hope is that eventually I'll build up a nice long list with lots and lots of short tutorials and players can just refer to the ones they need. I have written the script for the next one, which is about reading the information on the embark screen and finding a site. I'm afraid it'll be longer than I like them to be, just because there's so much information! And I haven't even included identifying the different map tiles (that will have to be its own video). Still need to record the audio and edit the video, though, which always takes far longer than you'd imagine it should.  :o

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Aira's Dwarf Fortress Mini-Tuts
« on: June 15, 2019, 04:27:38 am »
Heh, well, military is probably a ways down the line, to be honest. The people who asked me to start this series in the first place are absolute beginners, so I need to take them through how to read the embark screen, how to find a good embark, how to navigate and use the various look commands, how to designate your first trees/plants/digging, how to create and place furniture, etc. I certainly would like to get to military stuff eventually but I think that would be a big scary jump from "this is how you make a world" to "this is how you create custom uniforms and training schedules for your military". :P It's on the list for sure though! The long, long list....  :o

DF Gameplay Questions / Weapon Trap Components Not Showing In List
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:54:19 pm »
I keep having this problem, not sure if it's a known bug or if I'm missing something... When I try to create a weapon trap, most of the time there are very few trap components shown in the list, even though I know I have loads of them in a stockpile. The components are unused, unmarked for task, not forbidden... Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't, and it makes building weapon traps consistently an absolute nightmare. Am I missing something?

EDIT: I think I figured it out. Looks like the trap components were in a bin in a weapons stockpile, and every time the bin was marked because someone was coming to grab something from it, it removed all the trap components from access as well. Made a trap-components-only stockpile now and it's working better.

Hm... I can't find anything about a preferred food. Shucks, wish I'd known that. I did try to remove family/friend needs, but the detailed character creation system is pretty confusing and I'm not sure exactly what to adjust to make sure I don't have unfulfillable needs. I wonder, has anyone posted a guide somewhere to which personality adjustments to make, to make sure you don't have any impossible ones?

By the way, none of the dwarfs at the fort were hostile to me. All of them would talk to me and were friendly. They were only hostile to each other. Although at this point, it seems all but 2 of the dwarfs are now dead, and those two seem fine, so... I guess they're okay now? Still can't sleep there though.

EDIT: Oh, and yes, I retired the fort, didn't abandon it. But I have definitely found retiring (and especially unretiring) to be incredibly buggy. Only did it this time because the fort was specifically meant as a food resource for an adventurer. Then I didn't do my homework about what goblins eat.  :P

When I try to sleep it says "you cannot rest until you leave this site". Maybe I already have permission and the issue is something else? Maybe all the conflict and fighting and killing has caused the game to consider this site hostile or an unsafe place? Anyone have any experience with that? I haven't fought anything or anyone yet but the dwarfs are all murdering each other left and right for no apparent reason... :(

EDIT: Alright, I just went and built myself a little shack just outside the fortress boundary to keep safe from the bogeymen at night. No idea what's up with not being able to sleep there, but anyway... Now I have a new issue. That fortress was meant to supply my adventurer with quality meals, but my adventurer won't eat any of them! They just lick them. Is it because they're a goblin, can they not eat dwarf food? I'm having penalties from not eating a good meal... :(

EDIT2: Well, crap. It seems I can only eat meat, and none of the meat-only meals at the fortress are high enough quality to satisfy me. Dang. Really regretting this choice of character now!

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