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Author Topic: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave  (Read 1496 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« on: March 14, 2024, 02:18:14 am »


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Mid-Spring, 268. The 8th of Slate, to be precise. Many nations, Dwarven, Elven, Mannish and more occupy this "Golden Continent." Recently, a Dwarven expedition following the river "Sensitive Rot" has revealed a secret, peaceful Elven kingdom hidden beyond the mountain peaks of the aptly-named evil Walls of Trickery. This valley is exclusively inhabited by Elves... until now...

Buguduker, "Tummywave." These Dwarves will venture where no Dwarf has gone before to claim this serene basin in the name of Dwarvenkind.

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This is where our story begins. The Tale of Tummywave, Buguduker. To reach this land, one must follow the river Sensitive Rot through the Unbridled Hills unto the shores of a mostly-cold, serene lake known as Lake of Intricacy. Across these chill-yet-soothing waves can be found the Fortuitous Jungles, which the Elves call home. On this edge, between the freshwater lake and the conifer forest, is where Tummywave shall embark, near the mouth of a river which the Dwarves consider the continuation of the Sensitive Rot. Beyond the Fortuitous Jungles lies shrublands with sparse forests, so the Dwarves have dubbed these leafless lands the Bearded Hills, making the forests of the Elves out to be the hair growing out of the face of these lands.

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A new chapter of Dwarven history begins here at this place, Buguduker, “Tummywave’ - Strike the earth!
The Dwarves embark on a peninsula of Serene forest jutting into the Serene freshwater lake

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To the northeast, a bend of the river Sensitive Rot weaves just above the beginnings of some of the Sinister Mountains.

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Across the bay, the more mountain slopes of the Walls of Trickery can be found. For now, these ominous cliffs are to be avoided. The top priority is merely getting underground and establishing a foothold.

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(here’s a Steam Graphics embark screenshot for those who might prefer it)

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In the river are some river otters. Make note, Dwarves!

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And so begins the burrowing...

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The second layer. A stonier setting, more fit for Dwarven occupation.

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Some yaks have appeared on the far side of the sinister mountains. Those would be great to acquire… someday…

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Migrants have arrived, and an Expedition Leader has been appointed, so now seems a good time to go over the Dwarves. Athel and Reg are the only two migrants, and the rest are the initial embarking party. The embark is notable due to the skills the Dwarves collectively share; a few have skills relating to mining, and planting, and woodcutting, but the majority have some amount of skill in intellectual and creative pursuits such as speech, record keeping, astronomy, and chemistry. Indeed, it seems these Dwarves intend to build Tummywave into a place of learning.

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Patient, creative, and possessing an iron will, Vabok Sashasmeng is skilled in Math, Poetry, Entertainment, Writing, Speaking, and Carpentry. Small wonder she is appointed as the current leader of Tummywave.

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Oooh, some abominable ash. Let’s hope it stays at the mountains and doesn’t cross the bay.

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In the meantime, the Dwarves of Tummywave set about making their burrow more of a home.

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The first caravan has come. The trade diplomat is… the Baron Consort of Tombsday? Interesting. Get in here, “Anvilbodice.”

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More abominable ash. Thankfully, it’s not crossing the bay, nor is it near any wild yak or other animals. This luck will run out eventually, but the Dwarves are thankful it hasn’t caused any harm so far.

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The ash cloud left just in time for a migrant wave to appear. Another stroke of luck.

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Some dark gnomes have come down from the mountains to harass the animals it seems…

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Hey! Stop freaking out the dogs! There’s some piles of vomit on the surface now; hopefully that all gets cleaned up promptly.

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The Dwarves have finished establishing their first “chill zone.” A dormitory, dining hall, and meeting hall with enough space to fit several Dwarves together at any specific moment. In time, friendships and relationships shall blossom and grow.

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Not much going on in Tummywave, for now at least. The Dwarves have added a metalsmithing area to the fortress.

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Aboveground, a pen is being built to protect the animals from the dark gnome annoyances.

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Speaking of, one dark gnome seems to have been caught in the cage traps by the entrance. What will the dwarves do with him...

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Finishing up the animal pen; just a simple shale box.

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As Tummywave marks its first year of existence, the Dwarves construct a simple temple, to nothing and no one in particular. Here, Kogan Rirnish, the bookkeeper, is meditating on… death…

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Gem Setter Edem Ilirthob is meditating on Fortresses- much better!

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Finally, the resident Glassmaker is blowing off some steam with a friend. It’s good to see the Dwarves using the communal spaces, and building community!

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So marks the first year of Buguduker, “Tummywave.” The Dwarves are settling in to their serene peninsula nicely. The dark gnomes are mildly annoying, and that abominable ash is probably dangerous, so hopefully the Dwarves are prepared for extended stays underground if need be. No Elves have been encountered yet, but who knows; Tummywave has only begun to etch its legends into the chronicles of history!

This is my first time ever posting and publicly crafting a narrative for a fort, so feedback is appreciated! The first year is kinda dull, but don't worry, I have some big plans for fun  ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2024, 06:26:32 am »

First years are always slower! Its a good time to get to know the dwarves and the area though!

Serene and mirthful settings are my favorite. Double cool that you border an evil biome leading to some incursions from there!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2024, 10:57:49 am »

Yeah, I prefer the savage biomes, but have tended to end up settling the benign ones for whatever reason. And I love mixed biomes, so the sinister mountains will be a cool feature. Maybe it's because serene waters are so pretty to me lol :D


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2024, 09:35:25 pm »


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The 27th of Felsite started off the usual way: the Dwarves worked to build a honeybee enclosure. Wax crafts aren't the most valuable, nor is honeybee mead the most sought after beverage, but variety is the spice of life, afterall.

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Checking in on the Dwarves, here's Tulon Kadolginet. A butcher by the name of "Hatchetcrew." Eerie. Her presence seems to bit negative, but maybe she's just getting used to life up north.

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Lorbam Thestarushat. Woodcrafter. He's helping the harvest efforts in this little fruit orchard area. There are plans for this spot, but for now, it's an appreciated source of food.

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No migrants this season. Oh well; the Dwarves will manage.

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Yuck! more abominable ash. It stays in the mountains, or at least it has so far, so as long as the Dwarves leave that area alone, there shouldn't be any problems.

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To prepare for other potential problems, the Dwarves began building a barracks.

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Not much of a military, with only a population of 16 Dwarves available for conscription. Athel Shakethtobul had nothing better to do, it seems, so he's been appointed the head of Tummywave's armed forces. A bit aloof, Athel is known to click his tongue when deep in thought. A curious trait, but far from the worst habit to have.

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Why not check in with one of the miners as well? Mosus Ducimgim. A stubborn alcoholic who is quick to rush into things, yet tenses when nervous. Yeah... just stick to the mines, buddy.

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Vabok, the expedition leader, seems to be getting along nicely with everyone.

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The Dwarves need more room and resources! Expand the mines!

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Mmmmmmm gems.

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Melbil, baron consort of Tombsday has come again!

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Again, no migrants. More will come, in time. For now, the Dwarves will have to make do on their own.

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contact made with anyone nearby. Some day, the Elves will have to come visit.

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(here's a Steam Graphics picture of the surface)

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(and a Steam Graphics main fort floor)

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Hmmmm, interesting. Part of the Sensitive Rot freezes in the winter. The Dwarves will have to make a note of that; the mountainous areas could possibly be used to farm blocks of ice, or something.

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Oh, great, several Kea have flown into the fortress. The Dawrves couldn't replace the cage traps fast enough and now it's a whole mess. If enough kea can be captured, though, it might be fun to tame and train a few.

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Is this kea... hauling a jug? What dwarf is responsible for pawning off its responsibilities to the parrot?

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The Dwarves managed to work through the feathery distractions and are about done constructing a rudimentary hospital.

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On the farming layer, the Dwarves are expanding to include more animal-related workshops.

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You can't have a hospital without a chief medical dwarf, so here is Mistem Eshtanshigos. He always gives every task his all, and never shirks his duty. He may not have any medical experience, but that can-do attitude will take him places.

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More migrants! Tummywave grows.

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Tummywave's nobilty. The manager, Tulon Kadolginet, has been fishing throughout the winter, shoring up the stocks.

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Tulon honestly isn't a great manager, at least not socially. She doesn't get along well with others, nor does she seem to care how she treats others. Girl can fish, though.

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That recent migrant wave was a great opportunity to fill out the military.

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Aha! The first Fell Mood of Tummywave! Unib Tusungiden, Gem Setter, works tirelessly...

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...tirelessly to craft a sapphire crown! All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. A sapphire crown, decorated with sapphires. Beautiful.

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It seems many Dwarves have kept death in their prayers. It seems, above all else, the Dwarves of Tummywave worship death...

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The dwarves work to expand the living situation on this main floor.

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And time moves forward. The dwarves are happy enough with this simple existence; they gather apples and peaches and sing songs in the tavern while drinking honey mead and eating lavish meals of onion and fish and roasted duck egg.

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More migrants, which means more soldiers. Tummywave's population is nearly 50 now. The dwarves must be careful not to grow too fast.

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The migrant waves have also brought fresh talent, which has allowed the nobility of Tummywave to expand.

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This is the new chief medical dwarf, Unib Tusungiden. She's a bit more personal than Misten, though Misten's been kept on as one of the workers assigned to the hospital, due to his great focus. Unib will focus more on the technical stuff, like "medical operations."

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What? When did some coati get captured? The simple cage traps have really pulled their weight for Tummywave. Good work, dwarves.

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Meanwhile, Kea training goes well.

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Kulet Ustuthedan, militia captain, is one of the many patrons to the tavern. With as many dwarves as Tummywave has, the tavern has become a lively scene, with some fun music to be enjoyed.

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Oh? Another dwarf has entered a strange mood. This time, the peasant Vucar Ninurlimul

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It's early autumn, which means it's time for Melbil, baron consort of Tombsday, to venture north once again and meet with the dwarves of Tummywave.

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The peasant has finished their mysterious construction: a frilly blue peafowl leather skirt. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.

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Tummywave eases back into a quiet existence. The dwarves all seem to enjoy life here, with only a handful being less than content.

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On the surface, several dwarves work to uproot the fruit orchard.

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A fresh migrant wave. The expedition leader should consider ordering a road to be built, giving all visitors a safer passage into Tummywave. With the abominable ash clouds that sporadically waft through the mountains, new arrivals should avoid the east and south.

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Oh no... No sooner had the new migrants settled inside the fort that the first true challenge has arrived. Afunieduma Wothana Eleri. A bull-headed minotaur with brown hair, skin like burnt umber, and cruel, black eyes.

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Aaaaaaaand it took a single day for the minotaur to be defeated. The dwarves praise their foresight in laying such well-crafted traps at the entrance to Tummywave.

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Woah! The dwarves of Tummywave held an election, and decided to not go forward with Vabok's leadership. Instead, they chose Urist Oddommebzuth as their new mayor. She seems an odd choice, due to her cruel, harsh, uncaring tendencies, along with her poor focus, poor empathy, and poor intuition, but who knows, maybe she will rise to the occaision.

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Mayor Urist's first order is to expand the fortress. The dwarves dig deeper...

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As the dwarves begin their expansion of Tummywave, the temple honoring The Fellowship of Ghosts is formerly established. Ominous, chilling, even, yet the residents of Tummywave are honest in their reverance. Death, above all, is the religion of Tummywave...

I feel like the fort is finally off the ground, lol. It seems the dwarves keep gravitating towards themes of death and unkind leadership. I wonder how that will impact the world...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2024, 12:37:08 pm »

appreciate your use of ascii screenshots, and nice beginnings! though the place does scream "impending doom," what with all the placidity and natural beauty just demanding for Armok's foul sense of irony to pay a visit . plus the ghost cult

did you know if you put your images in the following format:

Code: [Select]
[img width=750]*image url*[/img]
it can auto adjust image sizes to the chosen width, so as to better fit screens and provide a smoother reading experience (this old forum tech is showing its age..)



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2024, 08:50:59 pm »

I did not know that, I'll try it next post! I used to be big on forums back in the day, but somewhere along the way I grew old and forgot all the neat formatting tricks D= lol in time I'll probably go back and edit older posts to have cooler formatting as well, we'll see. As long as people can recognize Tummywave posts then it's all good


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2024, 01:00:46 pm »


The Dwarves continue to establish their humble abode deep within the mounatins and on the border of this Elven Enclave. Tummywave seems a quiet existence, yet the Dwarves have elected a new leader, and religious meditate on themes such as death, decay, and destruction...

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The Dwarves expand a bit, establishing some fancier rooms for their growing nobility and a larger dormitory for the Dwarves who don't have bedrooms yet.

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As Tummywave settles back into the hum-drum of day-to-day activities, Mayor Urist announces a new project: a multi-story library, where Dwarves can learn and study and teach one another. Tummywave is finally taking steps to become the place of learning the original founders imagined it could be.

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Below another level, a large path is being dug out. As work progresses, the glassmaker is taken by a fey mood!

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Ooh, a green glass crown, with an image of the sapphire crown on it. Very interesting. Perhaps this Dwarf, Meng, knows her importance to the fortress and is setting herself up as some kind of noble within the community?

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Elves! They have finally made contact with Tummywave.

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It's nice to see so many Dwarves working together

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The Elves don't have much of anything to trade... for now at least. The Dwarves buy what they can; hopefully the Elves will bring more goods next visit.

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Now the Dwarves expand the center of this structure.

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More migrants have arrived! Tummywave is growing strong and steadily.

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Something has gone wrong with the Dwarven merchants... they're here in the summer, yet want no meeting nor any trade with Tummywave. This land is mysterious, and magical; mayhaps the Elves have something to do with this?

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Urist has been reelected as mayor. He orders the Dwarves to continue expanding the mines. Plenty of ore down here; the smiths will have to revamp their set up to churn out more metal.

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The current Nobility of Tummywave.

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Urist has revealed his plans for this new area; he is building a higher quality Tavern for the Dwarves and even guests to enjoy, as well as centralizing the food stores a bit more.

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Oh no, the militia captain Rovod Kibtat has enjoyed the new tavern too much... he's throwing a tantrum and destroying things!

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His military training has come back to bite the Dwarves of Tummywave, for Rovod has ended up killing another Dwarf. Many others are injured... this may not end well for Tummywave...

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The new floor didn't stay pristine for long.... yuck.

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No migrants have come this season. Maybe they heard about the earlier brawl. Maybe the Elves had something to do with this. Strange, but not too concerning for now.

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What IS concerning is the arrival of this Cylops, Rimtar. Long taupe hair, narrow facial features, and incredibly fat; this cyclops could mean trouble. The military will stand by.

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Oh no... no.. no... the Dwarves didn't establish a burrow for such times as these, and the manager, Tulon, has been caught outside while the Cyclops is at the doors of Tummywave.

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The military arrived en force, just in time to save Tulon! The Cyclops is done for!

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Curiously, a swordsdwarf from the previous caravan was lounging about the surface and joined the fray. The caravan situation is a mystery, but at least the Cyclops has been defeated.

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Tummywave settles back into the humdrum of day-to-day activities. Mayor Urist has announced the construction of a multi-story library, intended to eb the place of learning the original Tummywave settlers envisioned when they came here.

Some mysteries have arisen at Tummywave! What is happening with the Dwarven merchants and migrant waves? Why have the Elves only now started to visit the Dwarves? Will there be more monsters coming? What will become of the growing Death Cult? Stay tuned to see what happens next at Tummywave!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 01:03:12 pm by RedNetherBrikk »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tummywave, Dwarves embarked among an Elven enclave
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2024, 02:23:14 pm »

UPDATE: hey I'm still playing Tummywave but the pressure fo doing updates along the way is getting to me lol. I cans ee why it's hard for people to make such long series now! I think I'll just play the save a bit and do an update when I feel like it. If I end up never updating or updating so long into the future things look different, well, sorry :3