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Messages - PatrikLundell

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 753
DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: April 13, 2024, 02:20:50 am »
Personally I wouldn't mind if they'd scan drawings and posted them in a thread, something similar to the Threetoe stories. That would, of course, rely on them being interested in occasionally drawing something.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: March 06, 2024, 11:45:11 am »
It'll probably be beyond the initial Myth & Magic release, but these are things that would fit in with generated intelligent species. However, I wouldn't have these details in the first iteration of those. But who knows, there might be a reason to add qualifiers for positions (blood lines, magic abilities, ...) and this might be things that would fit into that set of work.

My guess is that the current status is something along the lines of "looks reasonable and something we'd like to do at some point, but no ETA".

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:53:07 am »
Toady has mentioned a desire to overhaul farming in the past, and I assume that's still on the table. However, I don't think it's ever been in the realm of scheduled changes (i.e. it's in the realm of stuff they'd want to do at some time in the future).

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: February 16, 2024, 03:15:49 am »
My understanding of the logic of loading different levels at different times is that it would make it possible to load the underground Z levels only where they are of interest, so if you had a large site and dug down under a few tiles, underground Z levels would need to be loaded only for those mid level tiles (A.K.A. embark tiles), and only the Z levels that need to be loaded (what the granularity will be will probably be a matter of implementation: it could be individual Z levels, layers, fixed number of Z levels per block, or something else).

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: January 27, 2024, 04:32:43 am »
No. Toady has responded to questions colored in other kinds of green in the past. As far as I can tell, coloring serves two purposes:

1. Make it easy for Toady to find the questions among all the chaff that is other discussions and answers to questions. Going through a month's worth of posts and find where to start combing to prepare an answer would be even more of a chore if there were no highlights to navigate between.
2. Make the colored text legible. I for one find the darker green harder to read than the lime green one, and I would guess that's the reason the latter one is selected for the convention. Squinting your way through what's already a tedious task would make it worse.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: January 09, 2024, 03:42:02 am »
DF had a world painter prior to the Premium release. It was horrible to use due to its mouse only interface so you had to paint a tile (usually without any visual feedback), move the mouse over to the selection part, and then move the mouse back to the next tile to paint (provided you can find which one it is, and provided the mouse didn't select a neighboring tile accidentally, as there was no cue as to what part of the cursor actually did the selection). Note that my scathing assessment is colored by my dislike for mouse only interfaces, but I don't think it's entirely unwarranted.

Apart from that, there was also the ability to define the parameter values for all the world tiles (Savagery, Elevation, etc.) in a file (used by the DF supplied tool) which could also be used by third party tools to define a world. However, the set of parameters did not include Evilness, probably partially because this is determined at a later stage in the world generation process (it was still possible to hack it if you interrupted the world generation at that stage and changed what DF generated to what you wanted before continuing the world generation process).

The reason for me using past tense is that I don't know what the situation is post Premium: the painter may or may not remain, and I would suspect the support for the parameter definition hasn't been removed as I don't see any immediate reason for why it would be affected, but I don't know.

But yes, parameter support for defining the base Evilness distribution in the world (before sources of Evil appear and spread their influences) would be very useful. Obviously, all this will go out the window once Evilness gets replaced by Spheres, but it will be a fair number of years before that becomes available.

It could be noted that it should be possible to make a DFHack script for the pre Premium version to interrupt world generation and override the generated Evilness with data from a file of a similar format to that used for the official parameters before resuming world generation. I suspect it would be possible for the post Premium release versions as well.

The thread specifically for a tool can't really be necroed unless the tool is well and truly dead. The ideal case for no activity would be a tool that worked so well there was no reason for any discussions at all...

All my interaction with DF apart from a limited site presence remains on hold until keyboard support has been restored, as I don't find a mouse only (or even mostly) game playable and thus don't have any interest in working on tools for it.
Thus, my current intention is to return to DF when keyboard support has been restored, but there's probably a limit to how many years I can wait before losing interest completely (it's been 1½ years since the announcement of the removal of keyboard support and the subsequent announcement of the reversal of that decision).

However, the UI changes will make an update a rather extensive task, and I have no idea how much work it would be replace the current overlay with a new one, or even if there would be suitable tiles available for it.
It can also be noted that the logic for biome determination is no longer correct, as DF changed some time before the Premium release (the ocean type boundaries have shifted a fair bit, while other differences are lesser). The DFHack plugin that performs this logic has not been updated (it would probably require a new disassembly effort to do so). If I remember correctly this script uses the Lua version of that code (written before the DFHack plugin exported the logic from the disassembly), but an update should probably hook into the DFHack plugin to improve future proofing.

It can also be noted that other things probably have changed, so research and usage of new/changed data structures would probably be required.

The most important keyboard support restoration would be the restoration of the Help key binding, as all my scripts have help screens using this key, and without this they won't work at all (The Librarian was updated on request, but I just disabled the help functionality entirely to get around that issue).

The Region Manipulator faces the same type of challenges as this script does.

I have no issues with someone else taking whatever logic they find useful in my scripts and roll their own, although I would prefer if they didn't use the same names for their scripts, as that would cause confusion.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: January 02, 2024, 03:58:54 am »
DF tends towards realism in the simulation of real world phenomena, so I wouldn't be surprised of Toady would want to update the vein logic, and it's not impossible that Putnam might let the DFHack plugin logic form part of the input (as I don't think Toady spends time familiarizing himself with DFHack functionality).

I'm not sure why people would be confused by veins being 3D like they are in real life (e.g. slanted at an angle due to geologic processes).

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: January 01, 2024, 04:32:16 am »
The mining yield is a balancing issue rather than a map issue, and has been addressed once, as mentioned by Eric Blank.

The map rewrite may well change the vein/cluster/... logic, in particular to generate a 3D connection (so several levels build up a body or ore, rather than the current logic where each Z level is generated independently of the other levels within the same layer. Such a change would probably result in in more tiles of ore for the kinds that are selected, but fewer kinds would likely be generated (basically larger but fewer bodies of ore, potentially resulting in about the same number of ore tiles in total)). This might potentially result in a balancing change.

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Re: DFHack 50.11-r2
« on: November 11, 2023, 02:43:44 am »
Hello everyone! Was wondering if there are any plans to add classic keyboard support and keybinds to the .50 version of the game? Really missing those old keybinds.
Toady One has said that keyboard support will be restored (July last year), although there's no time line. This is not a DFHack issue, but one for the base game.

Note that you won't get the old key bindings back, but rather new ones. The plan is to use the same set of keys for the same actions everywhere (not a lot of different schemes for cursor movement in different places), and while things are shaken up keys will be assigned to more logical characters (rather than the gradual accumulation of assignment to one of the unused keys over the decades). It won't be possible to restore the old key bindings even if there's a rebinding option (unknown if one will be provided), as functionality has been moved around, so some things have been split or even rearranged such that part of the functionality now is in one action together with other stuff, while other parts may be in another action.

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Re: DFHack 50.11-r2
« on: October 26, 2023, 03:53:02 am »
The reason embark-assistant is written in code rather than as a script is performance. My prototype was written in Lua, but as I expected from the start, the performance was completely unacceptable. It's was slow enough when compiled (although the majority of the time in the compiled code was spent loading DF data structures done by DF itself: I don't know how the current, changed, data loading logic of DF will affect this).

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:26:40 am »
I would expect geography to work much the same in principle after rewrite as it does now, i.e. random seeds are generated at an appropriate time (currently I think it's world gen, but I can envision other planes (or whatever) to actually not have their seeds generated until the planes are generated) and these seeds are then used to generate the terrain details when needed. This or these steps may then have seeds generated in them, but these seeds depend on the higher level seeds, and so end up being the same whenever they're generated (so the terrain can be discarded when an adventurer leaves the area without modifying it and regenerated later if the adventurer returns. If the adventurer, or something else, modifies the terrain modification information is saved for retrieval and application when that area is generated again). Thus, current DF geography is "permanent" in the sense that it's determined at world gen time, even if it's not actually realized at a later stage.

One significant change in the map rewrite is that currently the complete geography of a terrain is generated when needed, i.e. all Z levels all the way down, whereas one goal of it is to generate Z levels when needed, rather than every time an adventurer sets foot on the top of that terrain, when only the surface is actually needed.

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Re: DFHack plugin embark-assistant
« on: October 22, 2023, 02:28:07 am »
I will investigate if I'm able to do so only when DF becomes playable, i.e. keyboard support is returned. That doesn't stop mouse tolerant people to take up the task earlier, as this is part of DFHack.

I can mention two things here:
- The biome determination logic was changed prior to the Premium release, so some biome determinations were incorrect. The underlying logic could use an update, although it's no longer part of this plugin itself. The differences were not huge, but present.
- I've noticed that mousing around pre embark causes mid level tiles to get loaded, so once you can order the cursor to move with keyboard input again you should be able to load all of this info into memory before performing any processing, thus removing issues with having to cache information and processing the data in two passes. It can be noted that the information is loaded unordered, but that can be handled e.g. with an intermediate coordinate translation matrix.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: October 10, 2023, 03:03:37 am »
How much procedural construction of paragraphs does Cataclysm DDA actually do? Is there anything akin to the musical form constructions? Or even the artifacts? Let alone Mythgen...

Cataclysm DDA doesn't do any procedural text generation beyond parameter insertion. There's probably support for massaging the translated text to transform things properly, but that's a concern for translators only, not coders, which is a sensible division of labor, although there are sometimes (rather sensible) requests from translators to modify things a little to allow texts to be translated properly.

Code wise you enclose all (non debug) text in a special wrapper that then (I believe) results in the generation of files with text snippets to translate and some comparison then filters out the ones that are new/changed for translators to chew on. Thus, it's easy for coders to add text: follow the established rules and translators will have to process the results (and draconic automated code checking will reject your code if you don't follow each and every rules precisely to the character, including formatting).
For JSON data (very roughly corresponding to RAWs) you just use English text, and I assume that then gets handed to translators in a manner similar to how text in the code is provided based on data tag parsing that known whether a string is a UI string or an identifier.

Can it be done for DF? Probably. Would it be easy? Probably not. At best it would be a huge amount of sheer work, and at worse (but probably not worst) it would require a restructuring of everything text related to export the information in a format that provides enough context to be worked with (does the single word "die" from a list of words refer to the things you roll or the end of existence, for instance).

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: October 09, 2023, 02:16:30 am »
I'm guessing, of course, but:
- Some spheres probably won't have any terrain effects as such. Instead, things like Revenge would firstly manifest through worshiper doctrine, and possibly secondly as a skew in the propensity for creatures within the sphere's influence to select that course of action, although that could be tricky to implement.
- In the combination case, the above could apply, i.e. worshipers in particular would seek fame in its many forms and engage in rumor mongering (which might assist in the fame creation process in this particular combination). Non worshipers within the influence ought to be skewed towards fame seeking and might have a higher probability of sharing rumors (or a lower trust threshold for it).
- Intersecting spheres would probably overlap as the default, and clash when conflicting. Thus, you might be blessed with luck while cursed with a shortened life span, or many crops might die due to a blight, but the ones that don't might be bountiful due to a blessing of bounty. When spheres clash the end result would likely be an average of their respective power in the area, possibly with a random factor. Obviously, implementing all variants (or, rather, a system that generates effect combinations) will probably be tricky, not fully thought out yet, and probably run into snags that will force things to change.

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