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Topics - Leonidas

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
DF Suggestions / Power to Arrest
« on: September 01, 2020, 11:50:08 pm »
The justice system currently allows interrogation and conviction. It doesn't allow arrests pending investigation. Nor does it notice physical evidence, which leads to the latest episode of Dwarven CSI: Artifact Recovery Unit:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Retired Adventurers in a Fortress
« on: August 31, 2020, 05:42:59 pm »
Here's how I prepared my current fortress. I made a small fort and retired it. Then I retired eleven adventurers into the site. Three of them had wandered the world and killed lots of things. The other eight were handmade scholars who never went on any adventures, though some of the scholars did wander the world on their own so they had to be herded back to the site by being grouped with other adventurers.

Here's the problem. Three of the retired adventurers are not quite full citizens of the fortress. Their information screens (z) describe them as citizens of the civ and members of the local government. But their labors in Therapist are shaded out and unresponsive, as if they were children or long-term residents. Though I can adjust their labors in the game itself.

It's not a terrible problem in itself. The scholar was able to join the library, and the military adventurers were able to join squads. Mostly it bothers me that I don't understand why this happened to those three out of the eleven. Is this a random bug, or is it somehow related to the adventurers themselves? If it's a bug, is there a fix? If it's related to the adventurers, then what could they have done to gain this semi-citizen status?

DF Gameplay Questions / FB Won't Shoot Web
« on: August 31, 2020, 01:11:54 am »
I caught a webcasting FB, and I've set up a silk farm. For bait, I used a sealed-in werepanda, as the wiki suggested. It's not working. The FB won't throw the webs at her as a dwarf or a panda. What's the trick to making the FB shoot webs?

Here's my setup:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The 1x7 drawbridge is controlled by the adjacent lever, so it's definitely down. And the bait is running back and forth trying to get away, so I know that they can see each other.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Fighting Crime
« on: August 15, 2020, 01:45:17 pm »
Continuing from this thread, here's a crime-fighting approach that I haven't seen mentioned.

You can use repeated interviews to grind XP on your CotG for his four skills: flattery, intimidation, persuasion, and especially judge of intent. As new visitors arrive, look for those who seem the most suspicious. From what I've seen, all undead are criminals, because necromancers are usually the villains. And most criminals pose as visitors who would be drawn to taverns, such mercenaries or bards. It's especially easy to spot criminals if you close your tavern to visitors.

Use any open cases as excuses for your CotG to interview any visitors that might be criminals. If your CotG succeeds with his skill rolls, then the criminal will admit his false identity and confess to every crime that he has ever committed. After that, I'm pretty sure that he won't commit any more crimes, at least not until he leaves and returns.

DF Gameplay Questions / Pop Cap and Residency
« on: August 09, 2020, 07:45:09 pm »
If a fort is over its population cap, does that prevent visitors from applying for residency or citizenship?

DF Gameplay Questions / Hoary Marmot Man Won't Eat
« on: August 08, 2020, 12:03:29 pm »
One of my long-term residents is a hoary marmot man visiting scholar proficient in both math and logic. He's starving, despite access to plenty of food. Why?

DF Gameplay Questions / Musical Instrument Storage
« on: August 08, 2020, 10:29:01 am »
I've read on these forums that there's no point putting goblets into tavern chests, and non-bin goblet stockpiles are better. Is that also true of musical instruments?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Building a Divine Army
« on: August 06, 2020, 07:40:04 pm »
There are three ways to get divine metal into your fortress:
1) Embark on top of a vault. I've never tried this.
2) Have an adventurer drop some DV items into a retired fort, then unretire it.
3) Have an adventurer drop some DV items at a chosen location, and then start a new fort there. This takes a bit of planning, but it avoids all the retirement bugs.

DV is not quite as good as the blue stuff, and it's even harder to obtain. An entire vault will get you 40-50 bars, if you carry out everything. (Bring a pack animal.)

So why should players care about DV? Because you can melt it. And craft it. And melt it again.

The blue stuff doesn't work that way. It has special strand-and-wafer rules. But DV can melt into bars at 150% efficiency just like every other metal.

So if you're looking for a new twist on your next fortress, consider building a divine army. DV is light. It's sharp. And if you want to maximize fortress wealth, its material value is gold times ten.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Severe Blood Loss
« on: July 31, 2020, 02:21:47 pm »
One of my adventurers retired into a fort, then I unretired the fort. I noticed that the adventurer was flashing and listed as having Severe Blood Loss. His wounds screen shows some minor bruising from his violent adventures, though not enough to register on Therapist or in the game. Combat since retirement has been limited to a single wombat.

I thought it might be a vampire. But Legends Viewer shows only two living vampires in the world. It was easy to determine that neither of those vampires had infiltrated this fairly small fort.

My best guess is that I've discovered an unretirement bug in which slightly damaged adventurers develop weird medical problems. And that's great. It's easy to fix with DFHack, and I can put it on my big retirement checklist. But before I do that, can you guys think of any other explanation for a dwarf having Severe Blood Loss with no other injuries?

DF Gameplay Questions / Pedestals
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:14:25 pm »
I have a pedestal with many items on it. In fortress mode, is there any way to remove one item and leave the rest?

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Permanently Drowsy
« on: July 25, 2020, 11:44:38 pm »
I made my adventurer stay awake for a long time to finish up an area. Now he sleeps for hours and hours, and when he wakes up he's still drowsy. Is there a fix for this?

DF Suggestions / Loyalty Oaths
« on: July 10, 2020, 02:41:13 pm »
Two other suggestion threads have touched on loyalty questions, which are scheduled to be part of a big Society and Politics arc. It's a complex idea, having each person be influenced by multiple group memberships (race, civ, religion, etc.), plus family ties and other individual relationships. And players will want some way to engage with and influence the system.

The oath is the historical answer to loyalty questions. It was the backbone of feudalism. To become a noble or knight, you had to swear obedience to your lord. You had to come and fight for him when summoned. In making the oath, you were essentially identifying which group loyalty you considered superior to all the others.

This was a very common idea until quite recently. You had to take an oath to become a monk or nun. The plot of Pirates of Penzance, which debuted in 1879, is about the protagonist's duties under a contract of apprenticeship. I'm no expert on medieval history, but I bet that some digging would turn up many more oaths that were key to social and political stability.

A forced religious conversion or denunciation is essentially the same idea. The government is unsure of its citizens' loyalty, so it starts demanding public oaths and demonstrations of loyalty to the regime. For example, Jews faced this in Iberia under Ferdinand and Isabel, and Christians faced it in Japan under the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Some of the key concepts for implementing this idea:
1. Different types of oaths. On one end you have an oath of absolute obedience, such as a knight or monk might take. On the other end you have a general oath to follow the law, adhere to the king's religion, and not to aid the king's enemies. Simply by entering the king's land, you might be implicitly bound by such an oath.

2. Multiple oaths. You can make more than one oath, while specifying which takes precedence. A monk would swear obedience to the abbot, but his oath is subordinate to his pre-existing duty to follow the king's laws. In English history there are often questions of whether a man's duties to the king are subordinate to his duties to God. In the US Civil War there are many stories of brother fighting brother, meaning that there was tension between family loyalty and political loyalty. In practical game terms, each dwarf might have a list of relationships ranked by importance. Urist might have family first, then the king, then his god. While Dastot, being a zealot, puts his god first, then his family, and then the king. Fikot might be so fanatically loyal to the king that he would kill his own family if ordered to do so.

3. Individual vs Group Oaths. From what I know, early medieval oaths were almost always between individuals. This was part of why the death of the king was such a big deal. Veteran warriors loyal to the old king might not follow his successor. I think it was a later medieval and early enlightenment idea to swear allegiance to "the kingdom" or "the religion", which greatly improved Europe's political stability. Maybe the dwarven scholars could research that as an advanced law topic. But individual oaths would create more drama and fun.

4. Oathbreaking is Serious. An oath is a public act. Everyone knows that you've done it. So breaking an oath is also public knowledge, and it's unlikely that anyone will accept an oath from an oathbreaker. The moral stain will even follow you into the afterlife. An oathbreaker might find refuge with bandits and other disreputable types, but those groups will always be politically unstable because they can't trust the promises that they make to each other.

5. Requiring Oaths. People who take the oath or belong to the special group get preferential treatment, while others are excluded. This creates stability at the cost of trade and outside contact. For example, Islamic countries imposed a special tax on non-Muslims. The Tokugawa Shogunate severely limited trade and foreign contact with Japan for over 200 years.

In game terms, the player should be able to set exclusions based on group membership. Maybe a dwarf can't become a soldier unless he has sworn personal obedience to the duke, or unless he follows a particular religion. Maybe nobody is allowed to visit your fort or trade with it if they follow a particular religion, or if they have contact with your enemies. You could even create castes within the fort: The nice bedrooms and the special dining room is reserved for the praetorian or the true believers, while the commoners or heretics  get less. And necromancy should be a particularly divisive issue.

This would give players latitude in creating the type of dwarven society that they want. You could have a fort of racist religious fanatics, or you could a wide-open that accepts everyone including thieves, murders, necromancers, vampires, and animated rotting corpses.

6. Oaths Don't Last Forever. Either side of the oath contract can publicly cancel it without penalty, though not in the heat of battle. This would be particularly important in adventure mode, where a player might want to work his way in one civ, and then walk away and start over somewhere else. And all personal oaths to the local lord are cancelled when he dies.

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Corruption Detection
« on: July 06, 2020, 10:40:32 am »
Since the game-killing corruption comes from bad entries in the item list, shouldn't it be possible to write a script to comb through that list and detect those entries? Even if it weren't possible to delete them, it would help to at least know that the fort had been corrupted.

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Removing All the Trader Flags
« on: July 04, 2020, 08:08:43 pm »
DFHack's gui/gm-editor will remove the trader flag one item at a time. The Librarian Script is a more efficient option for books. I'm wondering if there's anything faster, like a script that'll set the trader flag to false on every item in the fortress.

Here's why I need it:

1) Some adventurers acquired a couple hundred books from a local library and a necromancer tower. They're considering acquiring a couple thousand more from other libraries and towers. They've been depositing these books into a retired fortress that is destined to be the great library of its age. But on that fort's unretirement, it turned out that many of these books had been marked with the trader flag. I figure it's like a sticker that says "Property of the Snarlingsummer Public Library".

2) I've also had the situation where a caravan gets spooked and dumps many dozens of items, which become unmovable. Picking through those with gui/gm-editor would be slow and tedious.

DF Gameplay Questions / Removing All the Trader Flags- Resolved
« on: July 04, 2020, 06:50:34 pm »
DFHack's gui/gm-editor will remove the trader flag one item at a time. The Librarian Script is a more efficient option for books. I'm wondering if there's anything faster, like a script that'll set the trader flag to false on every item in the fortress.

Here's why I need it:

1) Some adventurers acquired a couple hundred books from a local library and a necromancer tower. They're considering acquiring a couple thousand more from other libraries and towers. They've been depositing these books into a retired fortress that is destined to be the great library of its age. But on that fort's unretirement, it turned out that many of these books had been marked with the trader flag. I figure it's like a sticker that says "Property of the Snarlingsummer Public Library".

2) I've also had the situation where a caravan gets spooked and dumps many dozens of items, which become unmovable. Picking through those with gui/gm-editor would be slow and tedious.

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