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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 46509 times)


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2022, 09:10:08 pm »

Some of those images are pretty large. You can add a width=X tag into an image embed to shrink them down to fix the page.


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2022, 10:10:43 pm »

Some of those images are pretty large. You can add a width=X tag into an image embed to shrink them down to fix the page.

Oh I figured that out! Thank you for taking the time to tell me that. I changed the size of the most recent post. I'll go back and fix the older ones soon

While I'm being honest about my learning is there a way to unlock polls? I set a timer on this poll originally and now that it ran out it seems to not want to let me reset it.


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2022, 07:23:57 am »

As you made your way through the cramp shelves of the library you take in the strong scent of old books. You don't stop for any, as these are all copies of original texts. Despite the passion and commitment of scribes and monks you can't risk trusting the story to anything less than the original.
As you move the shelves of books begin to clear and you are in a small and well kept back room. Filled with sealed cases you use the key on one and take your prize.

Benulm's Histories and Queries: Dwarf-Doom

Leapbodice & Bendtaupe: When Dwarves Dig

Now while there are many theories as to why it has not been firmly proven just why dwarves love to dig deeper into the earth. It may be greed.  Perhaps their physiology has some connection or even a sort of wanderlust like adventurers are known to have only communed across the whole species rather than exceptional individuals. Either way there are greater works that cover this topic in length and what we need to talk about is when the dwarves dug too deep.

Leapbodice in it's prime competed with the dwarven capital with it's wealth and glory until it dug too far. We do not posses too many details as all the survivors were killed to the last by a reportedly endless horde of flying monsters from the depths, this horde being sighted flying into the sky by shepherds some distance away. The demons wasted no time in solidifying their claim and quickly launched an attack on the capital, although this appears to have been a ruse all along.
As the horde fought the dwarven defenders their leader the Brown Brute known as Uzin Scrapefist The Taxes of Bejewling crept in and stole the greatest of dwarven treasures and weapons: Bendtaupe

Upon doing this and retreating after inflicting many casualties the demons called an exodus of goblins from across the world to there mountain to fight and serve.
It would remain in his claws for only a year before the dwarves reclaimed it. Within another 5 it was stolen again by a goblin thief from the Elder of Hells and he would use it to become a great war leader as he massacred humans on the eastern coast.
Asno Moistnesssorpions the Incidental Knowledge was only barely defeated by intervention from the elves, the last alliance they would have with humankind. An unnamed elf warrior riding one of the Giant Panda protectors slew the goblin and the axe fell with him.

Following this a dwarf claimed the axe telling all present that he was returning it to his people in the mountainhome.
He did not. Rovod Phantomoils instead went south to the tower of the great necromancer Othla Partnerbaker otherwise known as her self-proclaimed title as Cor the Goddess of Youth.
He offered it as a payment in exchange for being taught the ways of immortality and was accepted as a war leader of the dead while the weapon remained in Cor's possession.

Irony would find Rovod as he died horribly in battle. Conflicting accounts have emerged one speaking of his battle with the elves and how the same giant panda crushed him that had crushed the goblin Asno. Other reports show though that Uzin the leader of the demon hordes himself snuck into the battle and brutally murdered the dwarf in his quest to reclaim the weapon.

Now to the question: Why do the "gods" and demons fight over this weapon? It is believable that this weapon is among the few in the world that can easily kill one. Uzin's hide was known to deflect virtually any weapon, but Bendtaupe was in a category of it's own. Perhaps Cor intended to keep it as a trinket, as she had many. Maybe she wished to keep it as insurance in order to keep threats like Uzin the Brown Brute away. Regardless, she held onto the weapon until her death in year 125 at the hands of Kanil Inchwhips the Humorous Belly of Bites.

The Famines of Twinkling
Little is known about the Bismunthinite bracelet. It was made by a dwarf who was raised under cruel oppressive and enslavement by the goblins. Goblins were famous for barbarism and did little to keep records and so all we have is the legend:

and in the deep dark of hate
Lo, did Zulban find most sought after revenge
Cruel hatred cursed his kind forevermore
with doom
with Rong Tod

Whenever the bracelet would be returned to the dwarves great massacres would result. They would eventually claim it from the goblins of the Plagues of Forking, but only lose it time and again to the undead hordes of the goddess. Eventually the dwarves sought to avoid the seemingly endless loss of lives and began hiring human mercenary bands to seek it and do battle.
One such band did successfully defeat the wraith who had it and it's army as they were returning to the tower of Glitteredlanterns, but the humans did not return to the dwarves with it.
They kept it as a treasure and heirloom until year 91

A human warrior named Nocam Whisperfrill was it's guardian and legal owner, but he was not a good man. He abused his children and spouse. His prowess as a warrior and fame as a protector of an artifact kept the village from doing anything about it. Until one day his daughter Emmun prayed.
The goddess Cor answered her prayer for the death of her father in exchange for the bracelet. She brought it out into the forest not realizing her father followed her, and he attacked her. This was accounted for though as from the depths of the forest Cor released a giant dingo that ate the father so the girl could continue to submit the bracelet. She had found a new life serving Cor and free of her father's abuse. She would die less than a month later as Cor sent her back with an army of the dead to destroy her village
An unnamed villager ended her life and after words she later became another member of the mindless hordes of the dead that would serve.

Following this the bracelet stayed on Cor's person and she led enough successful assaults on the dwarves where any advance into her territories was routed. The dwarves live in an active state of retreat as her hordes slowly claim new ground.

Bendtaupe was a weapon created for the benefit and salvation of all dwarfkind, but only ever served to destroy and hurt it, but is it possible for it to be redeemed?
The famines of twinkling seems to only be able to curse and hate it's creator's kind and lives up to this, but what do the two items accomplish when they are together you ask? That answer is found in the annals of Kanil Inchwhip and the many addendums and reports of Ingiz Laboredgirders
« Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 08:08:51 pm by Maloy »


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2022, 12:24:50 am »

that felt like a chapter from the Silmarillion. messy, historical, epic!



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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2022, 08:14:56 pm »

that felt like a chapter from the Silmarillion. messy, historical, epic!

That's actually such high praise to me! I hope to make a piece on Cor as well. Even though she only had one appearance she was definitely one of the main characters of this entire world. Besides being responsible for the overarching plot of Kanil's story she is from before history and has a hand in most things.

Despite the praise I actually felt compelled to come back and clean up my posts more lol. Grammatical errors or moments where things aren't communicated clearly.


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2022, 06:53:48 am »

Apo the Spearwoman

The journey back home progressed from an initial excitement over all they had accomplished, to silence as they struggled to find conversation topics after saving the world, to small talk of things they'd do after this and finally excitement again as they crested the hill to Helmsfragrance.

Kanil and Nemo were quiet on the journey although this was in character for the elf. They were greeted with cheering by the laborers and soldiers left to populate the small home and the cheering only increased in tenor.
For the next several days a festival of sorts took place as messengers were dispatched to the surrounding lands to inform them that the great evil was defeated the rest celebrated. Dwarves even broke out some ale stock to share, a true rarity as with the shortage of alcohol in the region the dwarves tend to just hide it and keep it for themselves.

Dancing, singing, and story telling ensued. Kanil was asked to tell of the great battle at the tower again and again, but he wasn't exactly a man skilled with words:

Still people have an abundance of patience when it is to be given to their savior. Kanil began to grow more thoughtful towards the end of the celebration and the dwarves became less giving with their brews.


He found himself sitting by a fire outside of his home one night with Ingiz, Nemo and Apo joining him each one by one. They sat in silence for a time.
"Are ya sulking or thinking? All this time with your kind and I still can't tell" Ingiz quipped as he gulped down the last of his wine
"Leave him alone! He's got a lot to think about what is to come after all this!" Apo said turning her head as she finished speaking to smile at Kanil.
"Thinking, old man. Something don't sit right with me" Kanil responded with his backwoods bandit accent leaking out when he wasn't paying attention.
Nemo's arms were wrapped across his chest as he spoke "Yes, I can imagine. With the necromancers gone the dwarves can continue colonizing formerly human lands. That death cleric you hired Udil is already planning an expedition to find and entomb dead dwarves we left behind us there."
"Hey! that's a right honorable task! No dwarf wants to spend eternity wanderin' some blasted wastes!" Ingiz cut through
"I don't think that's what Nemo meant, Sir Ingiz" Apo cut in again before Nemo could retort. Ingiz's face lit up and he began to laugh at the mention of "Sir"
"Well..." Kanil paused to consider "It wasn't that. Although you make a good point that I wasn't thinking about. It feels like my way of life out here is coming to an end, but no what happened at the tower bothers me"
"Aye, I get ya! I wish we could've had a proper fight too, but if there's one thing that both my Nan and the gods always say is that bad people get what's coming to them! That woman's face before you cut her head off was priceless, Kanil! Watching all she built crumble around her and dying to someone she had never even heard of!" Ingiz began roaring with laughter at the end
"Don't laugh at someone's death it attracts evil spirits" Apo chided
"It's also tasteless" Nemo cut and Ingiz laughed harder
"No, it wasn't that it was easy, although I was sad for not getting a fight. It's just that...I didn't feel like I was in control at the end there"
Nemo's eyes had a new light of curiosity in them as he considered Kanil's words "Perhaps. It's not uncommon at all for warriors to lose control of themselves to their adrenaline and emotions in the heat of battle, and that was a battle even if she did not have her axe drawn."
Ingiz wagged his index finger as he said "Dwarves are always focused in a fight. It's what makes us the best fighters, but that don't change the fact that you're one of the best too, Kanil."
"No no it's not that! When she spoke all I wanted was what she was offering me. I wanted to say yes and there wasn't really a part of me that didn't want to, but I saw something in the visions she was showing me, something I remembered but now that I think about it I can't. I just saw it and felt a sudden impulse and then I killed her, but it didn't feel like I made the choice."
The party looked at him with some concern
"That is troubling, friend." Nemo said stroking his chin in consideration
"Sounds like one of them curses I grew up hearing of in the stories" Apo exclaimed looking around as if a monster might rush from the woods at any moment.
"We got legends of monsters that can do that to a dwarf in the deep dark below, but the important thing is that you killed her and yer free to do as ye will now!"

"Am I?" Kanil whispered and thought on. Kanil pressed his mind's eye towards his memories. He had ones he didn't want to revisit and others he didn't mind, but what caught his attention were ones he just didn't care about. It was like the vision: The more he sought to know it the more it ran away and left behind a lack of care to know. He pressed further

There was Uja his chieftess, although former now more than likely. He followed that trail back to when they met. She was scrawny and weak, but vicious and smart. She was Kanil's age and recruited him and some others into forming her gang when they were all just orphan kids scrounging to get by. He always did what she said even though he could've overthrown her at any time. Why didn't he? He didn't care to do so and was content to obey commands.
He pressed further back into his memories

He couldn't remember how he arrived in Claspedspear other than being an orphan and wandered if his child mind had truly just let go of the memory. He recalled men talking about him. He was weird for them. Most orphans came from the east fleeing the undead hordes, but he had come from the north-west. Stumbled in and fell over at the gates.

Where did he come from? He had to know, because of this frustrating feeling that he shouldn't know. It felt as if he had been obeying his whole life and now he was finally becoming aware of some strings upon him.

He dug deeper
He felt a presence of some sort so vast it was beyond perception other than simply being, and then he was pushed back out from his memories and the door sealed. He opened his eyes and saw all his friends quietly staring with a large amount of concern on their faces.
"Lad what's wrong?" Ingiz said having approached and laid a gruff hand on Kanil's shoulder.
"I need to go. I need to go back to where I came from"
"What? These are yer people's lands lad!" Ingiz said and Nemo immediately followed "We will come with you. We'd be sorry friends if we abandoned you in whatever you're going through."
"Uhm. Yes, what he said, but where are we going?" Apo cut in grabbing her bag as if they were already about to set off.
"To the one place in the world I don't care about one way or another."
"That's kind of vague" She grinned as she spoke
"I want you all to stay here though. I want to do this alone and I need someone to keep everyone in order while I'm gone" Kanil said

While they did voice their dissent ultimately everyone present was loyal to Kanil and understood this was a personal journey. All except Pamud. The elephant found him as he attempted to leave and flapped it's large ear to hit him in the face. Kanil knew better than to argue with his lifelong friend.

So he set off north-west.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 09:08:13 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2022, 05:16:54 am »

From epic quests to a journey to find his origin, I wonder what he will find on this new leg of his journey?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2023, 11:33:39 am »

The she-wolf was awoken from her slumber. Her lair scattered with the fragments of countless meals. She sniffed the air, Her territory encompassed many miles and she could sense all that were within it. An intruder came from the Eastern Mountains

She squeezed out of the cave and sprinted straight and true to the threat. She was the oldest and largest of her kind to wander this world. The great mother of all giant wolves and legends even said the smaller variant were descendants of hers.

From the East came the great troll Zepave Skinnyglimmer the Spread. Not a tamed variant like her cousins enslaved to the goblins, but a wild troll who had fought her way from the far caverns in the underdark(or fled from it). Between her and the She-wolf Squeezinghonors they prevented any hope of people living in the western lands, but they were no allies. This was an invasion.

Source: DF wiki, but specifically:

The troll had barely crossed into the wolf-matron's territory before the wolf had pounced from the tree line and was before the troll. They eyed one another. Today a war fought through minor skirmishes would end.
They pounced upon and struck one another. The troll was unable to get a grip on the wolf, but was laying blow after blow on her form.
The wolf dodged and ducked and took the blows and finally when an opening presented she lunged and bit the troll's leg shaking it violently and shattering the bone.
The troll continued to hammer as the wolf scratched her again and again and the troll knew she would soon lose this battle of attrition. She began to crawl away as fast as she could, but Squeezinghonors would not let her go. The wolf pounced on her back and tore in ripping flesh out of the troll's upper back while claws rip and tore from her lower back and stomach.
Zepave died. The blood soaked wolf howled celebrating her uncontested dominion over these lands.
She paused. She heard something new. Something had entered her territory while she was distracted and was close. She heard ruffling in the bushes as a large gray figure dashed through.
She had no experience with the species to know, but it was an elephant.
It barreled into her kicking her lower body and damaging her organs.
The she-wolf ran, but the elephant ran as well and whenever she slowed to come around a corner the elephant hit her again and again until it knocked her legs out. She bit and scratched as it crushed her chest with it's foot and she died.

Pamud Breachedancient the Toe of Calamities was victorious in a battle he did not understand, but as always the faithful elephant lived up to his namesake as his master and friend walked up behind him seeing the carnage.
Kanil laughed "You just had to wander off the moment you heard something didn't you? Can't say I blame you good hunt! What was a troll doing this far out?" He pet Pamud's side.

The journey north had been exactly what Kanil needed. The lands were wild and so were the beasts. At night they were attacked by packs of giant wolves and in the day they fought insects the size of horses. Cloudfought could barely pierce the hides of the beasts on first impact leading to a true challenge for Kanil.

At night he huddled up with extra layers next to Pamud and used the elephant as a windbreaker. Still, he didn't find what he had set out to find and had no clues to go on. Some days he just patrolled the same area and others they set out for new environments looking for exotic creatures to hunt. Pamud enjoyed crushing giant flies in particular. They couldn't carry anything close to the amount of meat they had earned and had to leave most creatures, like the troll and wolf, to rot.

One morning they went back south a ways and found a trail made by a small humanoid. Seemingly goblin.

Kanil and Pamud reached a tent made from strange skins. The campsite was abandoned, but it looked very old. Ancient even although still actively used.

There was no reason to wait around. They returned north looking for something

Kanil noticed before Pamud did that they were being stalked. As soon as they turned around the figure was gone and so they had to continue north. They crossed a stream and Kanil hopped behind a tree and waited. He heard the gentle splashing of the stalker as it continued on his trail.

Kanil jumped out landing within easy swinging distance of what turned out to be a goblin.

The creature was feral seeming and wearing roughly made skins although it's blade of unusual design was clearly well done and made of silver.
Kanil stared at it trying to figure out where it was from and it made to dash before Pamud tried to stomp it. The goblin dodged out of the way.
Kanil and Pamud had a brief struggle with the goblin as it swung helplessly at the master warrior and then was killed.
Whoever the creature was a story that wouldn't be told to Kanil or anyone else for that matter.

They continued north into the Autumnal Swamps searching for Kanil's destiny.

OOC: Also really cool to exceed 2000 views. I know most of them are just bots, but still those arbitrary numbers rising releases the serotonin for me
« Last Edit: January 14, 2023, 11:44:43 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2023, 03:40:11 am »

They might not all be bots, I bet a large chunk of it is all those guests the Steam release has summoned upon us.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2023, 08:42:53 am »

That's a good point and I appreciate the positive take!

I'm hoping to make a serious turn towards more progress on the overarching goal of the game soon.
Goal wise the necromancers weren't really a big helping in advancing towards fairy tale especially as intelligent undead simply register with their living species members, but character and map wise it made sense of dealing with them first.

I think what I'm worried about is making a reasonable amount of progress on it. If, for example, steam release adventure mode came out and I hadn't even reached the Golden Age yet(all races are about equivalent in population numbers) I'd be severely undermotivated lol

A part of me wants to see about that help that was offered in cleansing some goblin pops, but also I like the challenge of the 3000 goblins. I've defeated three goblin civs total in my years.
2 to Conquer and Occupy in Fortress mode
The other to banishing the leader, but the goblins still dominated pretty well thanks to population advantages

I've some cool ideas for how to approach the challenge


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2023, 09:22:11 pm »

I'm not sure if each person only gets one view, or if it counts another one every time someone opens the topic again.


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2023, 06:40:19 am »

Alternative appearance artwork for Kanil

They continued north for two days and eventually north-east through the autumnal swamps. The pair hunted freely, but not as overly as they did days before. There was something here in these lands, but they could not find it.

The swamps seemed to be wholly untouched by civilization and yet there was a presence here that communicated a deep and storied history. The presence made Kanil nervous and he found his hand often twitching to his sword.

As they continued east nearing what used to be elven lands the sun began to set and they found a trail. They followed it for a time, as it's prints were fresh, and as they neared it's source they began to hear it's footsteps and they began to peal more rapidly away from the pair. The hunt began.

Eventually they caught the creature just a short walk before it's lair

A moon-monster. A terrifying monster that murderously stalks the civilized world for prey. Legends tell that they reproduce both naturally and through the kidnapping and cursing of others. This was not Kanil's first battle with one.

Many months ago when Chieftess Uja had first decided to try and kill him her first task was to hunt one that had been stalking many bandit camps: Skullash the Dead Twilight. Kanil barely survived only with the help of Pamud and his three war dogs that sacrificed themselves to buy him time. He also lost some of his teeth.

He was stronger now and eager to test himself against such an opponent. Pamud was still scarred from the last incident and backed away.
So Kanil and Sedme met. Swinging and slashing. Dodging and parrying for minutes without a single blow landed by either.

It's blood was the color of mud. "As disgusting on the inside as the out" Kanil mumbled as it scrambled away.
Even on all fours it had incredible speed, but it did not flee. It scrambled to Pamud and began to beat and claw at the poor elephant. The monster's relative Skullash almost killed Pamud as well so Kanil charged full speed to catch up and barreled into the abomination.

The dance continued until Pamud crushed the creature's leg entirely and it fell screaming and spewing vile mud on the ground. It continued to thrash and scream. With surprisingly will power it still dodged Kanil's blows, but the battle was at it's end.
With one last roar of defiance the monster rolled on it's back and used the momentum to swing it's one remaining leg up at Kanil just as Kanil stabbed down with Cloudfought

Kanil rubbed the bleeding wounds in his gums with his fingers. He picked the body up and carried it the short walk to it's lair. The hatch was locked although he could hear movement beneath. He slammed the body on top of the hatch "I swear if I could kill you again I would" and he spit upon the carcass and lead Pamud away.

The elven forests were long gone. Most of them had overgrown into regular trees when the residents had died although a few of the larger trees were left. Kanil was awed by these having never seen elvish lands before. He wondered if the tales were true of them sleeping in these great trees and shaping crafts from it without cutting it down?
One tree had been clearly shaped to have a square like roof with a tavern beneath.

This place was strange as it also had stone roads that resembled the ones he saw in dwarf lands. Had the dwarves been here at some point?

He ventured further east and later did find elves and they were indeed sitting in a tree! It filled him with such wonder to see, but he made sure not to show it.

He learned a few things
-A coven of moon-monsters lived in the area and hunted anything and everything freely when night fell
-The god of the swamps had a shrine back west
-His lieutenants were spread throughout caves in the area

The coven was beyond Kanil's reach since they were hiding in their cave and his desire to kill them wasn't great enough to wait. The god did catch his interest. He had been feeling a desire to leave the swamps the last few days much as he initially felt no desire to go there to begin with. He felt pressed to go exactly where he felt he shouldn't: To the shrine

They were ambushed as they camped that evening by dingoes twice the size of Kanil. He laughed as he beat them away one after another. These lands brought him new challenges and great beasts.

Finally come morning they left the bodies and headed west and stopped at a grove of plum blossom trees. The blossoms were falling in streams

He and Pamud made there way through and as they crested the hill they saw it:
A small stone shrine with a few remaining pillars standing high although the entire thing was overshadowed by the trees of the grove whose petals left a pink floor over it. Skeletons and pieces of armor lay scattered about.
Just east of the shrine standing in the midst of the trees and watching the blossoms fall stood the deity:

Pamud reared and fled at the presence of one who had dominion over nature and Kanil stood baffled by the entirely unique and overpowering beast.

He was flooded by visions. Chastised for coming here in spite of instructions not to
"Instructions? No one told me not to come here. No one tells me what to do!"
He saw visions of himself. except he was above his own body. The battle with Skullash, the goblins, necromancers and more. He saw his battle with Cor and how the goddess had compelled him to fall with her mere presence and saw the god, Ware, above him as it reached down and touched him. In that moment he rose from his feet and beheaded Cor.

"Are you saying that you are the reason I won? That you made me kill her?" Silence from the beast.
"No! I killed her with my own sword! I am no one's tool anymore!"

The beast seemed to look on him with pity as visions flooded once more. He saw the swamp and a great tower of dark stone jutting forth from it. Death spread ever at war with the swamp and the elves to the east.
The vision shifted as a great alliance of elves and dwarves marched forth. Ware commanded all forces of nature to harray the dead hosts to allow the alliance safe passage to the tower. He saw the final battle at a great distance and then it focused on two human mercenaries. The dead had made a counterattack raiding the dwarf camp and the humans fought viciously like heroes of legend. It shifted again and the man and woman were dead surrounded by a mound of corpses having destroyed the lieutenant that lead the horde.
A cry in the distance and the vision shifts and Kanil's vision moves toward a tent nearby. A child. The only survivor of the camp while the rest of the army fights the final battle. Ware walks from the swamp carefully avoiding stepping on, and thereby destroying, the bodies of any of the defenders. It reaches the young boy who stops crying as it looks at the beast before it. Ware stops inches from the boy's face. It then touches it's head against his and a word is spoken planted at the very core of the boy's being "Obey"

"Was that supposed to be me? My parents? Who were my parents?" Kanil pressed his questions against the beast, but it pressed forward.
Visions of the boy stumbling south obeying a physically unheard command to return to human lands. His encounter with the fellow orphan Uja and his compulsion to obey leading him to service to her. His compulsion to obey staying his hand against the goblin smith and his compulsion to obey leading him to decapitate Cor. Everything he ever was and did was simply him following orders.

Kanil felt unraveled. All of his life and in all he did he was always obeying someone else even when he believed with certainty it was what he desired. His very desires had been shaped in order to please someone else. He fell to his knees and Cloudfought fell next to him

A new vision of Kanil returning south with Pamud. He would rally his warriors and go and defeat other threats to the balance of nature. Goblins, dwarves, great horrors from the depths. He would have the battle he so desired again and again.
Despite the vision Kanil still sat broken. He put his hand on Cloudfought
"No." He whispered "!" He stood up "I will destroy you! My future is mine alone!"
Kanil bolted into the trees using every ability of stealth he had picked up while fighting the Cold Hunters. He blended into the trees. and circled the monster which stood still.
Kanil continued to circle and as openings in the trees fell he threw every weapon he had at the monster.
The plum blossoms fell and knives sang through the air implanting in the beast's abdomen and legs. Still it did not move.
Kanil ran out of weapons and circled around closing in on the beast that would be his god.
He hugged the incline of the hill heading upwards towards it. Just out of sight. He ran up the rest and thrust his sword at the deity's head. Cloudfought was caught on it's skull breaking skin and implanting in bone. No blood came out. The beast's eyes turned towards him filled with indignation and pity.

Kanil quickly dodged and rolled down the hill again as the beast opened it's maw and thick webs sprayed out in his direction. He ran south-west through the shrine as the beast now sprinted after him. More webs shot out as Kanil ducked behind a pillar.
He ran back further south hoping to lose the beast as another web sprayed and caught him and he fell helplessly to the ground.

He struggled and struggled as the beast drew near. He had freed one of his hands as it reached him. It stomped one foot on his leg and his right hip exploded into gore spraying out around his armor. Kanil screamed in agony as he broke free from the webbing. His mind was lost to the pain, but instinct continued as he rolled away from the next blow.
The beast sprayed web again as he rolled around a stone pillar.

He climbed up the crest of the hill as the beast searched for him. At the top of the hill was Pamud. Kanil used what little bit of consciousness he had left and climbed Pamud as blood poured down his leg.

Pamud without particular direction galloped south far away from the shrine and the autumnal swamps themselves. Kanil woke up just long enough to stop the blood flow before passing out and spent the rest of his journey in and out of consciousness.
Visions of the parents he did not remember, of Ware standing over him when he was a boy, and all his decisions continued.
Pamud carried Kanil all the way back to Helmsfragrance.


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« Last Edit: January 18, 2023, 07:17:05 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2023, 02:46:53 am »

things looked pretty bad there for a bit but he managed to escape at the last moment. I can' wait to see what the next guy into this world will be like?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2023, 11:28:07 am »

You run your hand the ancient text. The chief librarian had to be present for you to be allowed to handle this one and you cradle it as if it was delicate as a newborn. Parts of the text have been damaged, and although there are copies that likely do have those parts accurately recorded you still insist on seeing the original only.

Benulm's Histories and Queries

Cor Goddess of Youth - Necromancer and Destroyer of Humanity
When discussing Cor in this age one always has to distinguish between the actual deity and the villain who claimed her name: Othla Partnerbaker. One must be careful to conflate the two, which is a line I shall walk dangerously for the sake of truth, but if caught the inquisitors from the temple of Cor can be most unpleasant.

Othla Partnerbaker is a difficult figure to track, because she is older than recorded history. We do know that she belonged to the Amethyst Confederacy and that she was there from it's earliest days all the way to the end of her own when she nearly oversaw it's extinction.

She was known for her vanity and we can corroborate this as the early days of the Amethyst Confederacy kept good records of all market transactions and Kanil Inchwhip's own account spoke of how decorated she kept herself.

She married multiple times and she was always drawn to men who sought power such as her first husband Ithros. After spending time as a scout for the growing and newborn confederacy he ended up usurping an entire town and becoming it's lord. It seemed a mutual relationship of using though as he shortly after divorced Othla

Now that is not to say Othla, Or Cor, was in anyway weak herself or any other fanciful imagining that fiction creates for devious women. She was a powerful mercenary who fought in many great battles and was even a hero amongst the elves. although she fought evil side by side with elf and dwarf it can not be doubted that she did so to her own benefit as recordings and journal entries from some of the heroes she knew shows her attempting bribes and blackmail on many of them and using them to grow her own influence

A few years after their divorce Othla and Ithros remarried. One could say they truly loved one another or point out that Ithros' rebellion from the confederacy was failing and the jaws of fate were closing in upon him! For two years after the remarriage the rebellion was ended! The confederacy retook the town and slew Ithros in the process.

Othla remarried quickly, but it is still believed among scholars that this loss is what first prompted her to fear her own mortality.

Her second husband, Amec, also craved power over others, but was much more charismatic. He started his own rebellion through impassioned speech and calls for independence.

Now according to local legends near the site of the village Legendspainted it was said that Othla fasted and prayed for five years seeking the favor of the undead god Gamo and that then he granted her a stone carved by the gods themselves that gave her power of life and death. I want you to hold onto this idea as we discuss later where her power truly came from.

Following this however she continued life as normal and now thanks to her comrades from her adventuring days securing her status amongst the confederacy she now had thorough control. She and her husband convinced the confederacy to invade the elves.
For humanity this was a disastrous expedition. The elves were ancient with vast amounts of combat experience and defended by the protectors of the forest: The Giant Pandas.
This seemed to be intentional though. The humans fought viscously until they killed many of the pandas and then were chased out themselves!
This left both sides substantially weaker

Shortly after she divorced her husband, who would live a relatively quiet life after this and remarries, and then she married a man named Anthil.
In year 45 she and her husband were chased out as the locals realized that the woman had remained eternally young and beautiful and suspected dark magic. She swore vengeance and fled leading the foundation of her tower.

From here she apprenticed many seekers of power and authored many writings all while she trusted her husband Anthil to lead her developing armies. She also raised her first husband from the dead although they did not remarry.

Despite what people know of her later years she only modestly employed the use of the undead early on. She had many faithful living subjects and mercenaries who fought eagerly. She won great favor with elves, dwarves and the humans of the Notched Union having joined them in many battles against the rising goblin tides from the west

Anthil led her forces in a great alliance, headed by the dwarves, to conquer the goblin capital of MergedJackal to great success. With this threat destroyed this would mean that the supposed goddess would be the next opponent. For the elves have long memories and the dwarves do not abide dark magic.

Thus she hatched a plan: Convincing the necromancers of the tower in the Autumnal Swamps to attack the elves. She promised to attack them from the south ensuring total destruction, but this was a ploy. The necromancers attacked without support and soon elves and dwarves marched and pushed them back to their tower to finish them off.

She began a dark ritual using the artifacts Bendtaupe and Leapbodice. Using the dwarf-made artifact that was created to curse the dwarves and the weapon made with the authority of dwarf kings she called upon the corpses of the dwarves from the mountains to rise and serve her*. She now had her army that none could stop.

Reader, in this age knowledge of dwarves is lost to many and so it may not be known to you the spiritual nature of dwarves. A dwarf will gladly come back from the dead as an angry spirit if it senses that it's resting place has been disturbed. From there it will torment and even kill family members or any random dwarf it can find.
Thus every dwarf ever buried raising set the civilization on it's heels and halted any advance. This may in fact be connected to why they dug too deep in their own cities.

Anthil seemed to have a falling out with Othla at this moment. Anthil was a warlord and many could argue a madman as well. Where Cor seemed interested in dominion and power Anthil wanted to wage war and destroy.
He led her living forces in a battle to crush the dwarves who had conquered and protected the goblin capital. We do not know what exactly he sought to release, but we know that there was a great evil in it's depths he wished to open and release upon the world.
He took the city, but he failed to hold it from the dwarven counterattack.

With most of Cor's living servants dead through her husband's actions he was kept on a short leash after this and their relationship all, but officially ended after that.

Cor enjoyed an uninterrupted vengeance on the humans of the Amethyst Confederacy. The dwarves had been paralyzed by dire need and the elves were locked deep into war with the goblins from the frozen north and so the humans fought alone.

When the dwarves finally did dig too deep the goddess offered them an alliance. The dwarves loathed her more than anything else from this earth, but monsters from the deep came bearing extinction for all and so they accepted. Anthil led her forces again and again to devastating casualties. The elves sacrificed almost all of their ancient protectors in this most desperate war. The monsters were not defeated, but contained. This led the dwarves to an entrenched war that went on for well past Cor's own life, but earned her enough good will for the dwarves to not turn on her as she continued to ravage the human populations.

Anthil died some years later of old age. He was not resurrected nor reanimated. She left him where he lay

From here we enter her last years that were well known. Her living armies were almost all gone and so with nigh endless hordes of the dead she expanded and grew in wealth. The confederacy wondered why she did not simply finish them all off, but the truth was that they weren't important enough! All leadership was gone and the military was near non-existent now. Simply refugees and bandits fighting over scraps.
No, she sent her armies north to fight the elves, but this was her undoing as well.

For she left an opening not realizing that humanity did have a hero: Kanil Inchwhip.
As her Cold Hunter commanders led her armies to the elven forests she was assassinated in her own tower by Kanil.

She had many children in her time:
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Now to the most important question: Was Othla Partnerbaker truly the goddess Cor?
The Inquisitors will give you a most emphatic no, but I believe there is much more going on here.

Othla's one defining trait was her guiding of civilizations and pitting them together and she long predated recorded history. She also worked with many others from before history who played similar roles. What if they all were the gods we claim to worship? What if Gamo didn't reward her for a season of prayer and fasting, but she made a deal with an acquaintance from ancient days who had achieved great power? We know that many gods walk this earth and that some have died even and so is this such a radical idea? All accounts of Cor line up with accounts of Othla Partnerbaker down to their very personality qualities!

*Numbers may be exaggerated by the recording historian

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2023, 10:51:04 pm »

New Character

Itha Feciciyaba
Class: Bard
Companion: Iwo Laliimeva - Unicorn
Alignment: Chaotic Good - Described as an Anarchist

Overthrow the ruling authorities of the goblin civilization known as the Elder Hell and bring freedom and independence to his scarred homeland by turning the goblins upon one another.

First Entry
In proper days and a proper age Itha's coming of age ceremony would have seen near to one hundred attendees as the entirety of the forest retreat came in attendance. The procession would be flanked by the forest's giant panda guardians and he would have been led to the First Tree through which the spirit of nature that guided the elves would speak.
Instead there had been a few dozen and the animal audience was mostly smaller forest critters such as a family of nearby squirrels whose attendance was still appreciated. The First Tree was long gone having been burnt down in one of the many attacks. Instead he stood before a significantly smaller, but still magical tree called Gulfveiled.

As he kneeled before the tree it would touch his thoughts and heart seeing into the core of his spirit. Itha could seek a specific calling from the tree if he wished. Clothier, hunting, craftsman, etc and the tree might grant this, but the job of the elves was to maintain balance and thus the tree would always send people to the paths where they were most needed.
This meant almost everyone in Itha's generation were made guardians: warriors to defend the forest. With almost all of the forest's panda protectors dead virtually all young elves were called to fill in the massive gap, and Itha's parents expected no less.

Thus it was a massive shock when instead of guardian the tree spoke a title not heard in ages: Speaker of the Forest.
The silence had been deafening even from the squirrels.
There was currently no living speaker. It was a philosophical and occasionally commercial role and entirely useless in the state of the world

The ceremony ended just as awkwardly and in the days to follow no one spoke with him as no one even knew a lot about what his new path entailed or whether they should encourage him on a road that didn't seem needed in a time of deep need.
Itha, though, deeply believed he had been given a specific purpose and believed his role had something to do with the endless raids and pillaging of the goblins.
Several years passed, short to elves, but filled with violence and chaos as the undead marched north. Itha functioned as a trader to the few travelers and became a skilled appraiser, but all the while he planned his journey:

He would strike north and no matter what the cost he would stop the tyranny of the Elder Hell using the path Gulfveiled had commissioned him upon

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« Last Edit: January 29, 2023, 08:21:49 am by Maloy »
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