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Messages - callisto8413

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DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: Today at 12:04:35 pm »

an important achievement! stone is life.

This time around it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Last time I had to use a pump.  This time I just moved as fast I could.  Dig a stariway one layer down, dig out the damp walls, replace them with pillars, look for leaks, repeat.

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: Today at 09:59:28 am »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

Sixth Scroll

Domas Gorgedefense was drunk and upset.   She had gotten into a argument with one of the idiot locals and the barrel in the tiny tavern, the one that had held the booze, was empty!

The Liaison felt that the outpost was TRULY a frontier outpost.  And not in a good way.  Wooden buildings?  So much nature.  The Mountainous Tongue was tiny and Brother Zas, while he had a few good jokes, spent much of his time workingwith wood or fishing or gathering fruit.  At least he was a proper brewer.  But still....should he not be spending more time taking care of her?  She was the only VIP in the outpost.

And their plan to find stone.  They planned to try a simple method of making a starway down.  And when they hit damp stone or dirt they could dig it out and replace it with clay.  CLAY!  Surely that would fail....right?

And it was raining!

On the 5th of Timber Sister Mosus came to tell her that they had moved faster than the water and HAD found dry stone.  Well, limestone.  But it still counted.

They had even put a dry layer of stone between the limeston layer and the damp ones.  Just to make sure.  Now they had a stoneworker's workshop and a machanic's workshop in the, slowly, expanding NEW mine.

Looked like the library might be made out of stone, wood, and clay.  Or maybe baked clay. 

Domas would be more impressed.  If she wasn't wet, bitter, and out of booze.  Though she did enjoy a few performances by Sister Kadol Netwhips and Sister Erib Basinlens.   Seems the settlers knew a few songs, poems, and dances.  In fact she had joined in and performed a little act of her own. The tavern keeper had even brought some food to the stockpile.  The almond pastries were not that bad.  And the perch pierogi had been interesting.  But where was the booze?

Maybe a library wasn't a bad idea?  With all the knowledge they had.  Maybe it would become a place for Bards and Poets to come and learn.  A place to study dance and music and how to deliver a punchline of a joke.  Too bad about the rain.


Author's Note:

RAIN!  Why does Middle Earth have so much rain!?!?

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 15, 2024, 02:33:26 pm »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

Fifth Scroll

Mother Dishmab pondered having to deal with both the caravan AND the Liaison.  Then a idea hit her!

"Brother Zas!" she shouted to the passing dwarf, "have all the fish brought to the trade depot to barter with.  And tell Sister Erib Odomcerol she is the new broker!  Hurry!"

This allowed her to meet with the Liaison at her office.  Well, the small hall like space which was branched off the main hallway.  It held a chair and a table.  Which forced the dripping wet Domas to stand in the hallway.  She didn't look happy.  But she tried to stay calm and formal.

"I am your liaison from the Mountainhomes," she said as she tried to shake off the rain.  "Let's discuss your situation."

"Of course," replied Mother.  At least she got to sit down in a chair.  Maybe she needed a proper office with more than one chair?  "I am happy to let you know that we are doing fine.  We even have-"

"Yes, yes, yes," remarked the Liaison.  She started to list all the rumors and events that had happened.  A few Forts had been reclaimed by the Rope of Nuts.

Mother listened.  She tried to pretend interest.  After the Liaison was finished Mother told Domas about how, lately, they now had a brand new craftsdwarf's workshop.  And therefore now had next boxes for the birds and wooden cups for the tavern.  Eggs were now on the menu!

The Liaison didn't even pretend to show interest.  She was known for being cruel, private, and dismissing friendship.  She was a bitch.  She even made a face at the idea of drinking out of wooden cups.

"So, what do you wish?" she stated.  "For imports."

"Well, sooner or latter we will dig deep enough to get stone-"

"You have not yet found stone?" responded the Liaison.  "No wonder you live in a wooden barn.  Like humans."

"Eh, yes," replied Mother.  "But what we would like is a couple of spiderhounds.  Do you HAVE spiderhounds for us?"

"Yes, yes," said Domas.  "Anything else?"


"Well, the Mountainhome wish for goblets and footwear," she said.

Mother frowned.  They had not found sand at all.  Making glass was somewhat out of the question.  And footwear?  If they ever produced footwear it would be for their own use.  Maybe they could buy something from other caravans?

"Sure," she replied.  "Goblets and foodwear."  And the meeting was over.

While this was happening Sister Erib was trading with the caravan.  The fish gave her....18 credits.   She bought caper leaves which gave the Onol Domasisan dwarf merchant a small profit.

Caper leaves could be cooked, at least, and add to the dishes for the citizens to enjoy.

As the Domas left in disgust Mother wondered if she needed to hand over another job to somebody else.  Maybe somebody else could be the bookkeeper?  A table and chair was placed in a space underground, near the stockpiles, and Brother Kogsak, who was a Record Keeper, was given the job of bookkeeper.

There was some good news from the pasture.  A baby goat had been born.  A female kid.

Now if only the sows would stay in the underground pen with the boars.  How would they male piglets if the female refused to stay in the pen with the males?    Funny enough, as if listening to the Mother's advice, the sows both gave birth to a piglet.

Sadly, trying to dig deeper the dwarfs found damp sand.  The outpost might have to import stone after all.  On the other hand they did find clay.  A clay furance was set up.  But not to bake clay.  But to collect it.  Clay could be used to build structures while wood could be used for other uses.

Also it was noticed that the caravan had dropped some items near the hatch that headed down into the underground facilities.  A lot of items.  If they left them there....could the outpost claim them?  The Mother silently decided to test this and see if she could order somebody to sneak the Yak Bull out of one of the dropped cages into the pasture.  And it worked.  They now had a Yak!

There was also a copper ishem.  A drum made of copper.  Which the Mother ordered the citizens to put in the tavern.  If they could...without getting in trouble.  And that also worked.

Then she was told another female kid had been born.  Soon they may need a butcher's workshop.

It was also decided to enclose the hatch to the underground facilities.  This building would include the above ground farming plot.  The plot would have grates above it to allow in sunlight and water.  All the water.  It had NOT stopped raining since the outpost had been founded!

On the 11th of Sandstone the traders started to pack up to go back home.  And would they leave their dropped items behind?  Mother decided to forget to tell them about the items. 

They left, on the 14th of Sandstone, without seeming to notice their pack animals were not carrying as much as before.  Hehehe.

The Mother was feeling mixed emotions.  The demands of the Mountainhome seemed silly.  And the third floor of the "dorm" was still not finished.  And they needed to find a way to get to the stone.  Maybe a open mine shaft?  But that would require a pump system.  And that meant they would need stone to get stone.

And the annoying Domas Gorgedefense was still in the tavern drinking up their booze.  She was also trying to socialize.  Though she had gotten into a argument and now was both bitter and grouchy. 

By the 26th of Sandstone there was some good news.  The third floor was finally finished.  Everybody had dry bedrooms.

But it meant that Mother Dishnab could start on the blueprint for the main reason for being here.  The building of a grand library.  It would be made of wood and clay but that was okay.  She, herself, was helping collect the clay with her own hands.

Maybe it was stop raining in winter?

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 14, 2024, 06:51:45 pm »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

Fourth Scroll

Mother Dishmab thought for a few seconds.  What to trade?  There was no live game to hunt in the region.  So the quivers, crossbows, and bolts were useless.  Best barter them for something useful.

And the best one to become a broker was herself.

"Sister Kogsak," she said as she prepared to go out in the rain again, "Bring the crossbows, quivers, and bolts to the depot.  I will be the broker.  Hurry!"

When the goods had been brought to the depot she found they had about 150 credits worth of goods.  Not a lot of wealth but better than nothing.

Relieve Helmtwinkle, the merchant, seemed impressed by the weapons and was eager to make a deal.  Sadly most of their clothing, and military gear, was too large for the dwarfs.  But they did have some seeds.  Of course they were above ground seeds but still, that wasn't a bad thing.

She bought a bag of long yam seeds and 5 muskmelons. 

The otters still got a profit and were pleased.

After the trade she ordered a small plot of land be tilled for the new seeds.  She also ordered that Brother Tobul stop fishing in the river and move to the coast.  She felt there would be more fish to catch from the ocean.

She also set up a gather zone.  They had at least two step ladders.  May as well use them.  There were apricot and peach trees to collect fruit from.  As well as almonds and hazel nuts to grab up. 

And it continued to rain.  Even as they worked on the outside shrine.  Did the coast never get sun?

Then there was a small wave of new comers.  Three.

There was a Sister Solon Divebodice.  A 60 year old female who was a legendary presser.  In other words useless. 

And a Sister Erib Basinlens.  Who skills.  Which was weird when you figure she was 70 years of age.

Another building would need to be built.  Or a third floor was needed for the "dorm" for the two females.

Then there was a Brother Kogsak Planesbronze.  A 69 year old male dwarf who, according to his papers, was a bone doctor, a record keeper, and a crafter of metal.  And that meant the male bedrooms would have to be added to.

At least this meant more hands to handle the workload.  At this point, also, no more new comers would be coming.  She had asked the Queen to limit migrants.  As she wanted only ten citizens at any one time.

The extra hands helped cut down some trees and gathered the many fruit from the fruit trees.  At the same time the otters reported they would be leaving soon.

The Mother had a small dining room on the second floor of the "dorm" created while a third floor was being made.  Brother Kogsak was the first to eat there.  He enjoyed a hazel nut casserole but he felt there needed to be more tables.

It was decided to make it into a tiny tavern.  It was named the Mountainous Tongue and was open to all visitors.  Brother Zas was a novice conversationalist and comedian.  Good enough to be a Tavern Keep.  Jokes are funnier when you're drinking!

And a bridge was being made to allow access to the south side of the main river.  They needed more trees and didn't wish to chop down those in the gathering zone.

By the 14th of Galena the open air outside shrine was finished.  It had a roof to keep off the rain.  And was given to no specific deity.  But now the dwarfs had a place to go pray and think and enjoy some silence.  The first to visit it was Brother Zas.  Who said he had meditated on minerals.  It was also visited by some of the pigs.  Why they were not in their pen was anybody's guess.

Autmun came and the third floor was still being worked on.  And it was still raining.  Still, the roof was almost finished and soon the two new Sisters would have bedrooms.  Or at least dry beds under a half roof.

Then on the 12th of Limestone, as they were still working hard on the third floor, Domas Gorgedefense, the Outpost Liaison, came out of the north.  She was 78 years old, grouchy from the rain, and clean shaven.  The Mother sighed and went to her office to await the official.  What would she demand?  The Outpost was just ten citizens.  What would the Queen demand?

On top of that the dwarven merchants from the homelands had shown up coming out of the west.  With pack animals loaded with goods.  What did they have?  And could the Mother find something to barter with them?

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 14, 2024, 02:57:00 pm »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

Third Scroll

The otters from Scholarload were from the civlization of the Scholarly Loaves.  A civilization founded by otter folk in year 1.  They had no Kings or Queens but were ruled by Barons or Baronesses.  The Baroness Spoon Shovefling was the first Ruler.  But funny enough none of her offspring took over after she died of old age.

The reason for this was that there seemed to be no laws about inheritance.  A son or daughter of a Baron or Baroness might become a Count or Countess but there was no guarantee they would get their father's or mother's titles.

So trying to follow the politics and history of the rulers of the Scholarly Loaves can drive many mad.  But the same could be said of the Rope of Nuts.

The Rope of Nuts were formed in the year 1 with Queen Kib.  A dwarf.  Who died of old age in the year 65.  When the only son of the Queen, Tosid, became the King in the same year.  He died of old age in the year 158.  His eldest son, Olon Cloistergoals, then became King until his death in the year 201 of old age.  When Uvash, his eldest daughter, became the Queen.  Until she died of old age in the year 227. 

When Reg Atticspeeches, pretending to be a Prophet, became the Queen.  And was in no way related to the Royal Family.  Well, nobody knew who her father was, so it is kind of hard to tell.  She died of old age in the year 233. 

When Goden Merchantwall, a dwarf pretending to be a Monster Slayer, became the King.  Reg had no offspring and somehow Goden was selected.  And nobody knew who his mother had been.  Maybe he lied about that too?  He died of old age in the year 244.

Likot Koloddom, a astronomer, became the Queen.  And died of old age in the year 365.  I think you get the idea.

Due to all this nonsense it wasn't really hard for, well, almost anybody to become the Ruler.  Many rulers had come out of nowhere, with no general knowledge of who their parents were and without any skills in rulership.  And most of them lying about who they were!  Some were not even Nobles.  They were bookkeepers or Priests or worshipped Rocs.  Yes, one King worshipped Rocs.  Not just one.  Like seven of them.

In fact when, in 1952 Zan become Queen of the Rope of Nuts, nobody knew who her parents were and, to be honest, nobody cared.  By that time the Rope of Nuts was multicultural and multiracial.  Elfs and Goblins were a large part of the civilization.  Also, to be fair, she WAS the first non-dwarf to be a Ruler.  As long as the Rulers held the Callchant, the legendary copper crossbow, the symbol of authority created in the year 32, nobody made a fuss.

So by now the dwarfs were pretty use to animal folks.  Be they neighbors, friends, or Nobles.  Or otters showing up to trade.

DF Suggestions / Re: Bells!
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:14:54 pm »
I want bells for bell towers for churches and city halls.

DF Suggestions / Re: some zones allow seasonal deactivation settings
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:12:32 pm »
This wouldn't be needed for barracks - military training already has a scheduling system of its own - but it would certainly be useful for the other zones that you mentioned - fishing and plant gathering.

I think barracks do need it.  Sometimes a dwarf will go drill on their own.  Even when not scheduled.  And they have other duties to do.

DF Suggestions / Re: Terrible Suggestions Thread
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:10:46 pm »
Fortress mode needs to be able to make fireplaces.

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 13, 2024, 12:07:34 pm »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

Second Scroll

On the 11th of Hematite the otter merchants from Scholarload had come and, finding no Trade Depot, had seemed confused on what to do.  They just stood their in their steel armour and copper weapons.  Shouldn't that be the other way round?  Anyway, they wanted to trade.   

The Mother had ordered a trade depot made and double-quick.  Not that they had much to barter with.  Then she went into the wooden building they had made to dry off.

All spring it had rained and rained and rained.  Even the Mother was a tad unconfortable with being wet all the time.  While the sheep wool tunic and other wool clothing helped keep in the warmth and the leather items were somewhat water proof the rain still was never ending.  It dripped down the back of her neck and got into her pants and soon she was soaked.

The goats, the horse, and the camel didn't seem to mind it that much.  They had a above ground pasture.  But the dwarfs hated it.  They had been carrying out TWO major projects during the spring.

One was digging out all the chambers below ground for storage, pens for the birds and pigs, and the farming plots.  As well as a kitchen, a still, a farmer's workshop, and a carpenter's workshop.  By early summer they done much of the work.  Well, the birds still needed nests and there were flies all over the place.  Even underground.  Flies!

The other project was the housing.  A single, two floor, building.  Made of  wood.  Looked kind of like a brick.  So far no clay had been found and they had not gone deep enough to find stone yet.  So wood it was.

The first floor was where the females lived.  They each got a bed, a chest, and a cabinet.  Walls divided the living spaces.  No doors.  The building was too small.  And the Mother's office was also on the first floor.  She was the Leader, the Bookkeeper, and the Manager.  Somebody might call the building a longhouse or dorm.  Too be honest it was likely too simple a structure to be even called those terms.  More of a barn with dividers.

The two males had their living areas upstairs.  They didn't need the whole floor and it was unknown on how to use all the emtpy space.  Maybe more workshops or a small dining area?

The Mother looked over her records in her office.  Her tiny office.  With just enough room for a chair and table.  It may sound like they were living in hell but, still, in the spring of 1984 they had not done too badly.  They had beer, rum, ale, and wine.

They had also gathered some of the local plants and had done some fishing.  Adding to what they had brought with them the food available wasn't that bad.  There was cow cheese dunplings, and sewer brew pastry, and hot buns full of steelhead trout.  Just to name a few dishes.

"Mother!  Mother!" exclaimed Sister Kogsak as she entered the wooden "dorm".  Dripping water all over the floor.  "The depot is finished and the otters have started to unload.  Have you picked the one who will act as the broker?"

The Mother sighed.  What would they trade?  Who would be the broker?  And would it ever STOP raining?!?!?

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:23:32 am »
Looking good so far.

What mods did you use?

Thank you.  Besides using a Middle Earth map I am using these following mods. 

Actually Red Redeoot Dye

Aves (Civilized Birdfolk)   Kruggsmash tried this mod out in one video.  The Aves are so overwhelming that four of the civilizations are controlled by, or totally domainated, by them.  There is only one Badger Civilization and one Dwarf Civilization (the latter having a Queen Badger). 

Dwarven Tea Party  (Used Before)

More food Names   (Used Before)

Dwarven Cuisine - Bacon

Dwarven Cuisine - Simple Bread

Salamandastron (Redwall animal folks - See above Badgers - Which is why the world is called Red Earth)

And I think I also added Spiderhounds and Round Wooden Doors (like Hobbit Doors).  Not sure about the last two as I don't think Spiderhounds were available at embark.  But I might have missed them.  Will see if I can request them from a caravan.  And I won't know about the doors til I make a wooden one.

Edit - NOPE.  No round doors.

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Granite Gazette
« on: September 10, 2024, 08:26:59 pm »
Wonderful!   Keep it going.   I wish we could 'Like' posts.  These are great!  This is a lot of time put into each posting.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:34:45 pm »
Just started a new Fortress with a bunch of mods, which may or may not work, and the story is going to be without images.

DF Community Games & Stories / The Abbey Of Memory
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:18:44 pm »
Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth

First Scroll

They had arrived in early spring of the year 1984.   The 15th of Granite the seven had finally reached the coast.  And it was raining much to the annoyance of the dwarfs.  Mother Dishmab Anvilmoral understood their pain.

Her Bothers and Sisters had traveled for two weeks after forming their company.  The Queen of the Rope of Nuts, may her nose always be shiny and wet, had agreed to allow the seven dwarfs, each and every one of them a orphan, to form the Speakers of Knowledge and to settle in the region known as the Enjoyable Water.  To found the Abbey of Memory.

Many dwarfs might find Zan Rinultirist a little strange.  She was a Badger.  Still better then being ruled by a Rat.  And she seemed to have embraced the dwarf culture.

So they had packed the wagon with supplies and many of their belongs, bought some pigs, some goats, some chickens, got a horse and a camel to pull the wagon and they were off!

The Enjoyable Water wasn't really a region.  It was ocean and they were now on the coast.  Where they were getting soaked.  Well, it was next to a ocean.  There was going to be a lot of rain.

And at least there was life.  There were larch trees, cedar trees, willow trees, along with cranberry bushes, muskmelons, yam plants.

There was also a stream which came from the north, turned east and ran into the ocean.  Which meant fish.  Lots od fish.  Also fresh water.

The Mother was 63 years old and the Expedition Leader.  She was tall, well, for a dwarf and her tall head made her look, well, taller.  She wasn't creative but had empathy and a high social awareness.  She hoped to create a nice little center of knowledge with the other six.

Mother Dismab had taken shelter under a hazel nut tree.  Likely NOT the best place to hide in a storm.  But so be it.  It gave her some time to collect her thoughts and look over her company.

Sister Veiledpaddle was about 58 years and a miner and a mason.  Sadly, she had poor spatial sense.  Hopefully she did not stab herself with her pick.  At least she was slow to tire.  Yet, underlike Mother Dismab, she had shaved her head clean.  She also knew how to handle a hammer and shield.  Which might prove important if they needed somebody to smash somebody or something.  As long as she didn't hit herself.

She was already picking up her pick and was waiting for orders while glaring at the wet sky.

Mother had no clue why she shaved her head.  Did it help keep her person clean while she mined.  Didn't miners LIKE being dirty?  The others in the party didn't shave their heads.

Sister Mosus Cloisterbent was 56 years old and was a woodcutter, carpenter, and seemed to know about herbs.  She also knew how to handle a hammer and shield.

SHE had medium length amber hair.  Which she kept combed.  And the first thing anybody noticed when they glanced at her was how muscular she was.  No doubt the males noticed that.

She too was waiting for orders as she checked the edge of her axe.  And frowned at the rain.

Then there was Sister Kadol Netwhips.  A 88 year old who had some skills as a mason and blacksmith and wood burner.  Which would work well if they found ore.  And she was TOUGH.  Working with metal and flame no doubt made one tough.  She also knew how to handle a hammer and shield.  Which made some kind of sense - she likely had produced a lot of weapons in her time.  Why not swing a few of them around?

And then there was Sister Kogsak Obeypaints.  Who was a 78 year old with knowledge on how to handle a hammer and a shield.  And not much else.  She was strong but also greedy and cruel.  No doubt because of her hard 78 years of life being, mostly, alone.  Maybe she had fought for her life on the harsh city streets?

Then there were the males.

There was Brother Zas Bootpracticed who was 57 years old and also a woodcutter, carpenter, and worker of wood.  While he had shaved his sideburns he had a proper moustache and a long bread.  His hair was gold.  He also could handle a hammer and a shield.  Too bad he was somewhat clumsy. 

And finally there was Tobul Dreamedwhips who was a 79 year old.  He was already heading towards the stream to go fishing.  He was the brewer, planters, milker, and a bone doctor.  Funny enough he knew nothing about how to fight.  Maybe his life had not been so bad?  Mother also had never learned how to use a weapon.

Of course, all seven knew many poems, songs, stories, and even some dance moves.  Getting a few coins while singing in a pub or dancing in the street may have helped them live another day.

Mother sighed, stepped forward into the rain and started to give out orders.  She didn't wish to shout but the rain was making it hard to hear her.  And there was a lot to do. 

Sadly, this close to the ocean meant it was likely that the ground below them was overflowing with water.  Which would make mining a problem.  So they would likely have to live above ground with wooden builds.  Or maybe clay huts?  Of course some chambers needed to be dug out for farming and keeping some of the animals safe.  And maybe they could figure out how to get dry stone.  It could be done.  But it would take time and could be dangerous.

Of course her first order was to make sure nobody cooked the booze or the plump helmets.

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:15:37 pm »
A modded no image challenge sounds like it'll be an interesting thing.

I hope it is interesting.  It took over three hours to make a world.   And my computer isn't a potato!  More of a pumpkin....

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« on: September 06, 2024, 08:32:38 am »
So folks, decided to end this story.  It started out nice but then I screwed up and it became crowded and the writing went downhill.  So I am going to restart with some mods and a no-image challange.  In other words, all text.   I want to write!

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