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Messages - TheFlame52

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 379
DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:21:51 pm »
I always keep one crime unsolved so that I can interrogate every undead and necromancer that shows up at my fort. Even the migrants. They're always up to something.

I'm pretty sure that was the biggest fight I've read about happening in game as far as I can remember, also the fact that it took weeks to reach the conclusion is probably why I haven't heard of another fight of this size.

And dying in combat feels like the end Tumam's story was working towards and as such feels like a fitting end to his story.
The battle of Silentthunders was larger - 1700 besiegers.

Still, quite the battle! I bet it was fun.

What an incredible battle.

It seems pretty stable, it's just that a lot of features are missing.

Funny you should mention D&D - this story occurred far in the distant past of a homebrew campaign I was running at the time. But as my friends and I age, it gets harder and harder to find the time and motivation to play. It felt like I had to move heaven & earth to get my players together for a session they didn't even enjoy. Gone are the days of playing pretend with dice every Friday night. The campaign has been abandoned for over a year.

Instead I've been writing Homestuck x other thing self-insert crossover fanfiction which I will never share because it's
A. cringe
B. contains characters ripped from another IP expressly against the creator's wishes, which is why I'm not naming said IP here
C. contains unflattering depictions of my friends
and D. makes absolutely no sense because I refuse to write anything except the fight scenes. I am allergic to rising action. Which is why I'm having trouble with this story.

I have about half of chapter 2 written, and most of the story planned in my head, but I have tripped hard over writer's block.

It's missing a lot. No crafting, no butchering, no special abilities, no in-depth personality customization, and some more stuff I'm forgetting.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« on: April 17, 2024, 04:52:11 pm »
It's the same, it only looks different. Godan Metalcatches begins his adventure!

The narrow, long map makes it very easy to navigate on a desktop.

Turn limits aren't really enforced here? As far as I can tell? Play as long as you like.

Is this going to be the only fort in this world, or will there be more after this one falls/becomes unplayable?

I don't remember if I said this before, but weight counts for a lot in offscreen battles. Any large war animal is great on a raid.

Only 3 weeks until New Adventure Mode. Though I'm sure the Museum IV won't start immediately after the update.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 22, 2024, 03:04:43 pm »
I may not always respond, but I'm always reading.

If there were any pack animals that lived underground, dwarven caravans would show up with them too.

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