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Topics - Robosaur

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DF Suggestions / 1 block of stone > 1 stone wall / floor
« on: June 17, 2018, 03:18:58 pm »
A cube of stone is Pretty Big in this game: apparently every creature in the game, including a Blue Whale can fit in it, meaning it should be at least 25 meters cubed. But, even if we chalk that up to approximation, and things not being to scale, it's still probably about the size of a narrow hallway; about 2 meters cubed.

So, that's roughly how much stone you get out of it. Quite a bit, really. which is Far more than is used in walls. Maybe some massive, fortress walls are that thick, but when you're building a house that's definitely not.

Each block of stone you get, should certainly be used to make far more than a single wall or floor. I'd say something like, can be used to make 4 walls, of 16 floors, might be more appropriate. Certainly would make the creation of houses out of stone... or wood for that matter... much easier.

Other Games / Video Games to play with my Mom
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:10:45 am »
So my mom has randomly and adorably decided that she wants to play a video game with me, and I'm having a bit of a hard time meeting her criteria, so I'm asking you for advice.

Basically, she wants to find a game that we can play co-op, whether through LAN or hotseat. She would prefer a game with exploration, and one that doesn't require fine-motor skills or fast reflexes. A few years back we played Diablo 2 together and she had a hard time with that game because there were too many enemies on screen, for instance. She apparently used to like Civilization a long time back, but only during the early game when she was exploring the world, and then she'd get bored because she wasn't fond of the micro-management. Know of any games like this?

DF Suggestions / Do something about Fortress-time
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:03:31 pm »
It kinda breaks immersion that right now, a single skirmish between a dwarf and an invader can last for days. Especially when we start making fancier creatures, with slow-acting venoms that only take effect after 24 hours. However, making fortress mode run at the same speed as adventure mode would make it take FOREVER.

Does anyone have any potential solutions?

DF Suggestions / Syndromes to apply Creature Variations
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:39:09 am »
A bite from the Spinedeath Spider is, without a doubt, one of the worst fates a person can recieve. It begins with a rash, then swelling. Then, without warning, immense pain racks the victim's body. Within hours of the initial bite, a person will turn into a spider hybrid, with twitching auxiliary limbs, additional eyes, and a hardened carapace. The venom rots the mind as well, turning them into destructive, rampaging creatures that further spread the horrific mutation to others, until months pass and their body erupts into a new brood of hatchling spiders.

DF Modding / Trying to make Jelly People
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:20:35 pm »
I'm trying to make creatures essentially made of jelly: A thin, outer layer of rubbery material, followed by a more  jelly-like inner layer. Right now, both materials are modelled after fat, but I kinda want to figure out how to make em more "stretchy." Resistant to impact and such. One should not be able to kill the other reliably by punching them in the head, thus bruising the nucleus. I mean, a warhammer is a different story, but overall they should be more resistant to impact than other races, and should be impossible to bruise.

Other Games / The Rebirth of Binding: Isaac
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:01:05 pm »
So, how about that BoI: Rebirth? It's an all-out upgrade over the original, and if you enjoyed BoI, you have no excuse to buy it. Even I bought it, and I mercilessly... *ahem*... obtain games.

Featuring new bosses, new challenges, new items, a new chapter, and, like, 3 new bosses in the Gurdy family, BoI Rebirth has a whole lot more replay value.

DF Suggestions / Remove the physical stat cap
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:25:00 pm »
Right now, the most strength you can give a creature is, like, 5000. I know that by that point you are definitely getting into supernatural levels of physical prowess, probably quite a while ago too, but hey maybe I want to make a human-sized creature so strong she can punch through adamantium plate? Or maybe you want to make a regular sized bunny, albeit a voracious and carnivorous one capable of wiping out an entire legion of dwarves? Either way, I feel like 5000 is definately too restrictive a cap, especially when you also consider syndromes.

DF General Discussion / Philosophical question
« on: July 08, 2014, 06:56:51 pm »
If a dwarf shouts in the middle of a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does the game crash?

Currently it's completely blank. Who erased it all?

This would help a lot for testing interactions and cooldowns and stuff.

Other Games / OFF
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:27:48 am »
I think this is a game where you should go in blind. It's better this way.

It's made in RPG maker, and it's surreal and awesome.

Here's a direct link to the English translation of the game
Here's a link to the page for the game for a bit more info.

A bit more info:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

DF Suggestions / Add a worldgen option
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:50:04 am »
To make battles simulated as multiple people vs multiple people when necessary. I imagine this'd slow down worldgen, which is why it should simply be an option.

DF Suggestions / Playing as a long dead race
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:45:54 pm »
If you are in adventure mode, you should have the option of playing as a member of a race, even if they were killed in Worldgen several hundred years ago.

In this case, most people will either consider you a living fossil or (more likely) be like "what... are you????"

DF Suggestions / Vermin civilizations!
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:34:29 am »
I want Lilliputians. no. i DEMAND Lilliputians.

DF Suggestions / Replace [BLOODSUCKER]
« on: February 25, 2013, 01:28:16 pm »
With a different [CONSUMESMAT:x:y:z:etc...] tag that allows for more flexibility, such as giant mosquitos that don't have preference towards sentient creatures, or bogeymen that eat the skin off of dwarves. Or ancient beasts that consume gems.

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