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Messages - freeformschooler

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1137
FFS probably changed his mind. The story he wanted to tell in Warrens was a very ambitious one. I can imagine FFS remembering the sheer scale of the thing and weeping.

Reminds me of when I wanted to write a Fire emblem Fates fanfic. When I realized that the story I wanted to tell had a scope as large as Avatar the Last Airbender, I lost basically all of my motivation. It would have been a great story, but I am not the person to tell it. Still proud of the stuff I did write, but it will never see the light of day.

I came to terms with the end of Warrens years ago.


(i had some stuff come up but i still plan on doing it. about a month or so ago i spent nearly three weeks backing up every single warrens image when i heard may start deleting stuff. i heard someone else also made another copy so we're good to go in case imgur starts deleting stuff -- i can reupload it elsewhere as a megaproject then re-link in here if that happens!)

(all i'll say is the next 6-7 years are going to be a very fun time. i will not elaborate.)

Creative Projects / Re: Vastaghen12 draws daily sometimes
« on: December 04, 2022, 08:53:39 pm »
Oh man, these are all adorable. Thank you for posting them. I especially like the last one. FLUFFY!

Cat's continuing to get better after her suspected stroke. She only falls over about half the time she looks up, she's opening doors by herself, yelling at us in the morning for not feeding her, jumping up on things and generally being herself again.

She's old so we're only holding off the inevitable, but for now she's alive, active and happy.

That's awesome. I'm happy for your cat, man.

Also, hello everyone. I had a good day today. I got some much-needed rest and am ready to to what-ever I want tonight. Aw yis.

how tf do you draw cats

Those cats are kind of creepy looking with their almost human faces.

The one on the right looks like they're judging us.

General Discussion / Re: AI Dungeon New Thread
« on: November 07, 2022, 11:54:29 pm »

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: (ISG) The Warrens of Oric the Awesome...?
« on: November 07, 2022, 08:13:32 pm »
Did you know that this thread is the 10th most viewed on the forum?

It's been a source of pride for me ever since I came back from several years of cryogenic preservation and saw that 8)

Also, I just got back from my trip. It'll still take a bit to get all the images together for the return update.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: (ISG) The Warrens of Oric the Awesome...?
« on: November 02, 2022, 09:45:01 am »
I got a trip coming up this evening that will have me gone for a few days, and then I'll dig straight in to making assets and images. I've already got some of it drawn.

Just like old times, I'm trying to keep it simple (read: lazy) for ease of updating.

I'm already starting on pre-writing of the transitional update. It's too late to stop me now.

I don't know how many people who still remember this game are even around anymore. I only recently started browsing and posting here again.

I'm speaking as someone who really only ever lurked on this, but I think anybody who was around the lower boards when this game was at its height will remember it.

...Although it may be wise to figure out some sort of soft reboot/easy jumping on point so new (or even returning) people don't feel lost. Or perhaps a brief animated summary. My memories of this are a bit blurry, and I'm not sure I have time to run through 1500 pages of refresher material.

My gut says these boards will undergo a surge of new and returning players whenever Toady/Kitfox release DF Steam Version, which may happen sooner rather than later. Would make for as good a time window as any to relaunch TWoOtA.

I was planning to do a transitional thing to ease people back into it. Don't worry. We wouldn't go right back into the action.

It's only fair for Ciro to also be a little disoriented and displaced after all this time, too.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / (ISG) The Warrens of Oric the Awesome...?
« on: October 31, 2022, 12:26:33 pm »
TBH I kinda wish someone, perhaps me, would revive this in some form. "The Warrens of Ciro the Awesome" starting with our silver haired protagonist dropping into DL1.
It's a cool idea, but I seriously doubt that I have the dedication to sustain something this size.

You know what, I think I'd be up for it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'm missing a good chunk of the assets, so they'll have to be recreated, but my memory for this game is still sharp, and I'm fairly sure I can still do these character voices.

Maybe I won't finish, but I might as well give it one more go. I'll have to juggle job-work and other things, so it's a bit of a toss-up, of course.

Would anyone be interest in one more go at finishing the Warrens of Oric the Awesome in 2022?

Because I sure would like to resolve my number one regret in this life, even if it takes some extra years.

I don't know how many people who still remember this game are even around anymore. I only recently started browsing and posting here again.

Terrible timber

Glad a lot of everyone's still around  :P

PTW, this looks cool

Also gratz on Weirdsound running a cool game like this!

Also also it was pretty weird to come back to bay12 today and decide to try and participate and see this on FG&RP with the blurb in the first post lol

Considering maybe starting using this forum again. Some stuff happened in my life recently and I would like to return to this place from time to time. It's been so, so many years, though... ah well, it should be fine. Hello again, everyone.

Periodic check-in to wave hello to old friends. Hope this year sees you well and happy.

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