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Topics - Virex

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DF Suggestions / Manufactories, brands and traveling artisans
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:26:22 pm »

So I was thinking of ways how one could increase the interaction between a fort and the outside world, when I realized that the way dwarves currently handle workshops is incredably primitive. Currently, goods are produced by a random dorf working a random workshop and then they become entirely anonymous. This is not the way things worked for a big part of human history. As far back as ancient Greece, artisans have been marking their products, especially high-quality products like cut gems, fine glass or silverwork. In addition to that, artisans have always organized themselves into workshops, groups of people (typically aprentices) working under the guidance of one master artisan. One would expect dwarves to come up with a similar system, which is at the basis of this suggestion:

A manufactory is a location, similar to an inn or library. It encompasses a number of workshops and stockpiles, and optionally a dining hall, containers and bookcases. One dwarf can be assigned as the overseer of the manufactory and they will act similarely to a manager. After assigning an overseer, dwarves can be assigned to the manufactory as workers. With an assigned overseer you can set orders for the manufactory. These orders can be conventional orders that a manager could set up, but they are limited to the kinds of workshops in the manufactory. In addition to that, it is possible to create chained orders in which the completion of one order will automatically activate the next order. An example of a chained order would be [collect sand -> make green glass goblet -> Encrust with gem]. Finally, targets can be set for maintaining enough raw materials in the manufactory's stockpile. These tasks will be assigned to the manufactory's workers by default. Optionally, one can prohibit a manufactory's workers from taking tasks outside of the manufactory.

Social aspects of manufactories
Dwarves assigned as workers in a manufactory will see each other as colleagues and they recieve extra happyness from socializing with colleagues. In order to take extra advantage of this, it is possible to include a dining room in the manufactory and the manufactory's workers will prefer to dine in that dining room. Also, the overseer will talk with unhappy workers and occasionally organize closed parties for the manufactory.

Highly skilled workers will occasinally organize demonstrations for the manufactory. This works similar to military demonstrations in the sense that all dwarves attending the demonstration will get a skill increase based on their student skill and the teacher skill of the dwarf giving the demonstration. Any artifacts or books of the apropriate kind stored in the manufactory room may be used during demonstrations, boosting the effectiveness of the demonstration. If the manufactory has a bookcase, the overseer will try to aquire books on the topics related to the manufactory's workshops from the library and store them in the manufactory. Artifacts can be assigned to be stored in containers inside the manufactory from the manufactory management screen.

Brands and brand recognition
Anything created in a manufactory will automatically be branded with that manufactory's name and mark. Exporting these goods build brand recognition and exporting high quality goods produces extra brand recognition. On the other hand, brand recognition decays on it's own over time, and exporting low-quality goods hurts it, so maintaining high brand recognition can be a balancing act. Highly sought-after brands are worth more than unknown brands or brands with a poor reputation.

Some dwarves will have preferences for certain brands, depending on how sought-after the brand is. Nobels may also mandate goods of specific brands to be produced, imported or barred from export.

Traveling artisans and merchants
If a manufactory has high brand recognition it will attract traveling artisans. They will attend demonstrations, give demonstrations of their own and hang out with the manufactory's workers. Hanging out with a well-known artisan will generate positive thoughts for the dwarves working in your manufactories. Sometimes artisans will bring artifacts and books to use in demonstrations and they might be willing to trade some of their artifacts for some of your artifacts.

Liasons will also visit well-known manufactories. If they like what they see, they may decide to place an order for goods specific to that manufactory and this will show up in the import/export agreement screen. If you have enough goods to fullfill the order the next time the caravan comes by, you'll get a nice premium on the price and a big boost in brand recognition.

What should have been one of the Empire's brightest days has become it's darkest. One week ago, in the city of Usken, our crown prince Yemid was wedded to Princess Viniria of the Kaval. However, shortly after the wedding vows were spoken, fire broke out, rappidly engulfing the city. The entire royal family, as well as many attendands to the wedding, died in the fire. You are the few remaining of the Empire's finest, either because you managed to escape or because you were not present. It is up to you to guide our Empire through these dark times. Therefore, by the will of the late Emperor Nichel, I have called a general assembly, to meet in the city of Nigre. You are invited and strongly adviced to participate.
The most important matters to discuss at this assembly are:
- Inheritance and leadership. The only remaining legal heir to the throne is the husband of the late princess Nissia, Kenrad the Cruel. He is the former king of the Assadian Kingdom, forced into exile after the people of the Assadian kingdom stood up against his exploitative reign. His current whereabouts are unknown but it is without question that he will attempt to claim the throne for himself.
- Safety of the Empire. Rumors of the Emperor's demise have spread far and wide. Several of our neighbours have begun ammassing armies. Of direct concern are the Milchikan Tribes, who have already begun raiding towns in the western part of our empire.
Signed: Mekhel the Rider, head of the late Emperor Nichel's court.

Spoiler: The Saeddid Empire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Game mechanics (click to show/hide)

Feel free to ask questions if something is unclear.

Some ages ago, there was some discussion in this thread about a rather original concept for a PnP system. However, due to reasons I can't recall the project died. Well, actually it was put into the fridge, because I have decided to revisit it with a fresh view.

In the following post I'll outline my concepts for what I hope is a novel and interesting concept for a PnP game
Blockade Runner: A near-future Biopunk PnP that'll blow your cerebral nodes.

Spoiler: The colonies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The system (click to show/hide)

This is pretty much what I have right now. I'm especially looking for input on how to improve the combat and character system, as well as any suggestions regarding equipment, settings, more races, mutations and augmentations. Ideas for stating and special rules for the Swarmers are also welcome

For almost a century, the inhabitants of the Vhistland have lived under the reign of the Caccillian monarchy. Recently however, a combination of rising taxes, removal of privileges and a quarrel between the Densk princess Marie-Attelle and Vice-Roy Joseph di Perranno (which is said to be a failed attempt to browbeat her into a marriage with him) has thrown the area into turmoil. The towns of Mörn and Denskbord have declared independence and rebels have begun raiding Caccillian trade vessels. Joseph di Perrano has officially demanded all aristocratic families, influential traders, bishops and guild masters to swear allegiance to the Caccillian throne, under threat of heavy sanctions.

The question now is, will you take it any longer?

Spoiler: Game information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Map notes (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: players (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: waiting list (click to show/hide)

DF Suggestions / [interface]Booze and Food stocks on main screen
« on: June 10, 2010, 07:45:52 pm »
A pretty simple suggestion actually: In addition to the idlers counter there should be an optional counter for the food and booze stocks. This would make keeping track of the most vital stocks much easier, because at times it's very possible to forget about your stockpiles, especially if you're trading a lot or using the manager to queue "make booze" orders.

General Discussion / Paranoid? Let me reasure you.
« on: May 21, 2010, 06:34:22 pm »
Dear fellow forumites. I come to tell you of a rather unfortunate accident. Recently, information about the organisation has been leaked. I, however, can assure anyone that from first-hand experience, I can say that there is no such thing as "the organisation" and even if it existed, it would not have the goal of total extermination of all paranoid people, nor would it be planning the demise of all paranoid people at this moment. Last, but not least I can assure everyone that at no point will anyone's phone line, Internet connection or psycho electric wave-pattern be tapped and analysed.
Thank you for your time, and rest assured.

Pretty simple question actualy. I just recently had 4 of my 19 dwarves suicide at work because they refused to go for a drink. What's the best way to deal with this? I'm currently resorting to giving my whole fortress a day off ever so often, but it's a lot of work to cancel all the orders that are on repeat...

Just found this song, which is awefully apropriate:

Currently, a fortress is completely depraved of new information about other lands, except for the moments a liason or igrants arive. Curently this is fine because there's nothing happening in the outside world. However, it is forseable that with the caravan arc or the army arc, the outside worlds starts comming alive. And then it'd be usefull to have some communication with the rest of the world.

So here are a few options to gain information about the outside world:

A messenger would be a dwarf, preferably equiped with a horse that goes out and comunicates with the surrounding villages. Whenever he comes back to your fortress you get to hear the information he has gathered. If your fortress is important enough, others might also send messagers to you for information.

Carrier annimals would be similar. they'd be trained birds or bats that could take a single message from or to another site and then return. They'd be usefull to relay requests for trade goods after you've met with the liason for example.

Smoke signals serve a slightly different purpose. They'd be usefull to see beforehand if a caravan is comming, or if your army is returning home (after the army arc is done), enabling you to prepare for that. They could also be used by nearby towns or scouts to relay information in the case of an emergency.

Roll To Dodge / LIAR - Escape plans? What do you need those for?
« on: May 17, 2009, 04:15:05 pm »
Although most RTDs are random and all, they're often lacking... something.

This RTD won't be lacking something. It´ll be lacking a whole lot. A whole lot of vital information. And you´ll have to cope with it (or do you?)

The premise is simple. Each of you is an agent of the Bureau Of INtelligence and Knowledge, and perhaps of some other organisation as well. Each of you have a specific goal to complete, unless you havn't in which case you'll have to think of a way to stay alive (unless your superiors had another purpose for you) and you don't know the others goals, unless you do, in which case you don't know if that information is correct. Your goals will likely conflict and yet you'll have to find a way to be the first to complete your eventual goal (which might not be a goal you know off), without losing your head (unless that was the intent), your sanity (as if....) or your cover.
One wrong move could change your goal from "open the flux capacitor and take out the fuel rod" to "open the flux capacitor, stick your hand in the core and see what happens..." and failing to do so will have interesting consequences.
Luckily, as with everything, your dead might not be what it seems. Who says you weren't an android which was remotely controlled, only to be replaced after something goes wrong? Of course, you might just be stone cold dead as well, but who's to say?

Anyway, I am looking for 5 volunteers to be my pup... I mean players.

With 5 agents singed up this game is officially closed for new participants.

List of players:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Creative Projects / Fractal Art
« on: April 20, 2009, 05:49:18 pm »
With all the creative projects around here, I am surprised nobody has mentioned fractal art yet. I´ve been building a small library of my own work over the past year and a half (has it already been that long?), consisting of fractal flames made with apophysis. To give you an idea of what it is, here are a few examples. (I had to resize them since I usualy render them at 1680x1050, which some wouldn't like me displaying here ;). They are still pretty large though...)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

More great examples can be found on, and my best fractals can usualy be found on

So after this small introduction, I'd like to know if there are any more fractalists here ;)

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