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Topics - Mulch Diggums

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Life Advice / Just bought oblivion
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:53:17 pm »
So far, very very fun. The only problem I have is my mouse keeps clicking shit on my desktop, while its supposed to be full screen, I accidentally hit the desktop, then I bring up oblivion again and it locks up really badly. Help?

Life Advice / Any Japense speakers?
« on: August 25, 2009, 03:48:06 am »
Any one who speaks Japanese, or can read it preferably, please tell me what this says.

General Discussion / What the hell..
« on: August 22, 2009, 05:51:33 am »

(Look to the right)
The twilight MMO was one thing, but this?

Creative Projects / Red Army Soldier
« on: August 20, 2009, 05:11:27 am »
I wrote this short story a little while ago and have decided to take time from my busy schedule of TF2 and Gmod and write some more of it. Tell me what you think.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Life Advice / Face punch question
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:34:19 pm »
I'm trying to get my account information from face punch, a very old account I've totally forgotten the name of. I'm doing the image verification thing to the best of my ability but it keeps telling me that the stuff I'm entering is wrong.. Any one have any advice?

General Discussion / Sacrafice yourself?
« on: March 06, 2009, 12:22:35 am »
I dont know how this thought came into my mind, but it did. I personally think I wouldn't for any of my friends, but for family members sure. How about you guys, listing your reasons would be cool as well.

DF General Discussion / Dwarven Females
« on: February 05, 2009, 12:37:56 am »
No, this isnt a topic about wether dwarven females should have beards, or wether the dwarven males should take care of the kids, this is a topic about what dwarven females are called, when refering to their gender. Male and female just wont do, man and woman is more of a human thing, im thinking the word dwarf would be fine for males, "Hey urist, that dwarf over there just called your mother a soaper, lets go hammer him!" But what about females? Dwarfete?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Cat cancels store item!?!
« on: October 17, 2008, 10:56:36 pm »

I was minding my fort when I saw this message.. what happened?

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Somthing I had never noticed before..
« on: October 01, 2008, 08:51:05 pm »
I was toying with the last living person in a village and I broke his legs..I led him out into the wilderness untill he fell asleep. I tore off all his clothes broke the rest of his legs and traveled away. I went back to the peasant a day later or so game time and found the peasant back in his clothes. I had no idea peasants could do that.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Town guards...Runing away?
« on: September 29, 2008, 03:16:59 am »
So, I was runing around a human town with my backpack full of arrows (I had been collecting them for some time) plus another backpack I recently filled with three archers worth of arrows I got off a few dead guards. I was practicing my bowmanship with a bow I got off a guard and while I was killing a group of three peasants (mainly missing, I had one eye, but they were spaced out so the arrows I missed with hit the guys behind the person I was aiming for, for the most part) and I noticed to the northeast there was a guard, I looked to see what weapons he had and went back to killing the peasants. I noticed now that the guard was going in the oposite direction from me. Did I find a cowardly guard or is this normal?

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Oh god
« on: September 24, 2008, 05:55:35 pm »
I was traveling up river and was passing through purple territory, I get spawned next to a river and see a bunch of wounded fish on the banks...I think...Oh wow, wonder what killed these...I jump into the water and get swarmed. D: oh god no zombie carp!!  I never knew how dangerous these things were...they just wont die...and im a wrestler...I had no hope.

DF General Discussion / Best moding idea ever.
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:00:47 am »
Spider bears. Any ideas?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Turtle bone shot gun
« on: September 06, 2008, 04:12:58 pm »
Ririsodok, The greater clasps. I modded in shot guns and had a farmer go fey, I built a craftsdwarf shop for him and he made this. I just found the thought of a shot gun made of turtle bone rather funny =]

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Adventure mode brain damage
« on: September 03, 2008, 10:29:50 pm »
I was fighting with a demon just now and threw a spear at him. I had just got the spear off a dead spear goblin lord thing, very tough fight. Probly would have died if that spear hadn't got logdged in his gut. I was happy that there seemed a chance I would lived so I was messing around with the demon alittle, trying to provoke him to throw fire mainly. I blocked a few fire balls and got hit by the last one. It did somthing to my skull and gave me brain damage. I droped all my weapons and fell down.. I had enough time to try to stand up (Couldn't) and put the stuff I droped away. When the demon got there I tried to bite him. The reason im posting this is I seemed to last a while in my paralized state, usualy its like an instant kill. Is it possible to live with such an injury?

-edit- I knew demons were strong but geting a spear thrust and stuck into your gut, I would think that would have more of an effect on it.. It was only down enough time for my adventurer to take about two steps away.

DF Modding / Zombies
« on: August 31, 2008, 05:32:56 am »
I modded in shot guns and am soon modding in riot gear, I thought, hey why not mod in zombies too.

The creature standard stuff:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The entity stuff:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
So what do you guys think? I would love to have some suggestions on what to add. By the way, is there a token I can add to make the zombies heal super fast.

-update- Added bone carn and a few things to make zombies not freeze to death =] Almost put the bone carn tag in twice.

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