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Topics - The Transcendent Tyrant

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Other Games / "PC Gaming Is Dead"
« on: December 13, 2010, 05:50:57 pm »
I have a friend who says this to me all the time. :|

It pisses me right off, especially she just shrugs off any PC exclusives I link to her or studies about why keyboard and mouse is just better for 90% of gaming genres (about the only thing that controllers are better for are things like action - ie. console - RPGs and certain platforming games).

Hell, just these exlusives of 2011 convince me PC gaming isn't dead.

I think PC gaming has been pretty much completely abandoned by a lot of major publishers, yep, but that just seems to have made it bloom even more, especially in the independent sectors of the market.

What do all you guys think?

Other Games / Neptune's Pride
« on: December 12, 2010, 07:15:09 pm »
In year of arbitrary time, war was beginning.

Since the old thread is pretty much dead, I figured I should start a new one.

If you've never played this game before, it's essentially a grand strategy game. You dick around, find ways to hilariously manipulate other players and generally try to fuck up everyone else's day using other players to get your way.

In the game I'm currently in, I'm trying to convince all the other players that the major threat to me (and the person that they all border) is basically a turd who'll happily landgrab wherever he can. It's technically true, but he's not that dangerous (probably weaker than me at the moment and with little to no chance for expansion). I'm hoping they'll clusterfuck onto him, destroy each other's fleets / capture each other's planets and start an intergalactic war whilst I can get to work on improving the stars I currently have.

It's more than likely this WILL happen because I'm in about three seperate alliances with all of them and I'm established as a newcomer, so therefore trustable!

The mechanics of the game are hilariously simple. Seriously, a child could work it all out. The difficulty is in playing the other players, whilst maintaining the illusion of being completely trustable. It's about knowing whether your opponent has a poker face on without being able to actually see him. It's everything I've ever wanted in a game AND MORE with hilarity thrown in.

If this sounds like your sort've game, CLICK HERE.

General Discussion / PeTA
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:04:01 pm »
PETA. the ultimate Animal Wrongs group (in more ways than one).

I don't get why people support PETA. I have no trouble with people being vegetarians or vegans or interested in helping animals. But, if they want that, they should do it at a more local level. Help out at your dog's home or something. Take food in to feed the poor things. Get pets from there.

Anyone have any idea why people support the attention whores of the animal rights world? The people who encourage PETA members to record (but not interfere!) cases of animal abuse and have, in certain cases, actually encouraged it for publicity images.

General Discussion / User Reviews
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:26:33 am »
I hate user reviews.

Especially on products that a person can easily use poor.

Like this. There's quite a few glowing 5-star reviews and then... 3 star and 2 star. I'm guessing they used it incorrectly and are now bitching about it, but a part of me can't help but think "What if they're being truthful and it sucks?"

Anyone else hate user reviews?

General Discussion / Cannabis
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:30:56 pm »
Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks cannabis should be legalised, and I don't even smoke the stuff.

The only negative effects cannabis has (using hash resin instead of tobacco as a binding agent) is that it MIGHT cause schizophrenia in teenagers if they smoke it as teenagers. Now, this was based off a study that was merely correlation (correlation does not mean causation) and no scientific fact. Let's assume it is true. Then, we have a situation where people under the age of 18 (or, if you prefer, 21) cannot smoke cannabis. Wait a second, what does this sound like? Oh, that's right, tobacco and alcohol.

Tobacco and alcohol are a pair of legalised drugs that are undeniably more harmful to the human body than a reefer made purely from cannabis products. And, yet, they are legalised. Cannabis is also only psychologically addictive, not physically. Unlike nicotine.

As far as I can tell, this is due to people being able to grow cannabis on their own in their own houses. Which would make it completely untaxable and would destroy the cigarrete market completely.

So, what do you all think? Should cannabis be legalised?

(I'm honestly interested in what some of the more intellectual people - I hope - of this generation think on the topic. It's just interesting to see people struggle against the government propaganda machine.)

Other Games / GunBlood
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:00:37 pm »
Newgrounds Link

I'm playing this shitty little flash game.

And I'm thinking...

"If they made this into a full game, I would definitely pay for it."

Therefore, it is worthy of posting here.

Other Games / Measuring the Size of Game Worlds
« on: December 02, 2010, 11:26:47 am »
So, I saw an article on the various sizes of game worlds. The trouble was, the guy who wrote the article put the game worlds into miles^2, which just seems wrong. It didn't take into account average travel speed (because there's a lot of trouble inbetween games), nor the fact that a lot of creatures travel very quickly in fantasy games.

This is a problem, because it's just a measurement of game world in terms of size (hell, sticking together all of Black & White's maps might make it the biggest because of the midget creatures) that have NO ACTUAL RELATION TO GAME SIZE.

So, how, gentlemen, would we all measure the size of a game world?

I'm thinking it should depend on how fast your average character moves. If, in WoW, the game world is 5000 miles across and a character walks at 5 miles per minute (or whatever), it'd work out to a game size (in a single direction) of 1000 character travel minutes or something like that. In another game, let's say Just Cause 2, the game world is 10,000 miles across and a character walks at 0.5 miles per minute, then the game world is 20,000 character travel minutes across.

Now, the question is how to do this to include unclimbable mountains etc, and I honestly have no idea.

Any comments, ladies and gents?

Life Advice / Recommended Flash Drives?
« on: December 02, 2010, 07:03:38 am »
I need two seperate flash drives, preferably with memory between 8gb and 32gb and with a price (per each) of upto about £30.

One needs to be Windows ReadyBoost compatible (I'm fairly certain all of them are, but they claim not to be), so I can beef up the RAM on the system I'm building without forking out for even more expensive RAM.

The other just needs to be fairly durable, as I'm going to be lugging it around.

Thanks in advance, ladies and gents.

( Does this even count as "Life Advice"? Oh, well. )

General Discussion / I Hate The Fact "Geek" Is "Cool"
« on: December 01, 2010, 04:27:47 pm »
Or, to qualify that statement better, "I hate the fact that Hollywood geek is considered cool, fashionable and people are trying to imitate geeks all the fucking time."

I don't know what it is about it. Maybe it's just plain bitterness. But I hate it when I see girls walking around in shirts saying, "Geeks Are Sexy" or "I♥Nerds" or guys who dress "nerdy" and haven't got a clue about anything to do with any geek subcultures except they MAYBE read a book once.

I hate it when Hollywood tries to make "nerdy" movies. I hate the fact that I something I view as "my culture" has been essentially stolen, merchandised and raped by others. I hate the fact that people don't seem to realise nerdy, geeky, dorky - all of it - is a diverse group of interests that don't just me "ZOINKERS I PLAY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS AND KNOW ALL OF STAR TREK AND KNOW LOTS OF PHYSICS" (yes, some of us may play D&D and know lots of physics, but it doesn't mean I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek).

I'm confused and I don't know what I hate specifically.

What I do know is that people are trying to do something to something I enjoy and it makes me blood boil when I think about it.

Does anyone else feel this way?

General Discussion / Scientology
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:00:55 am »
Yes, scientology is one of the most moronic money machines religions in the whole world and it's been beaten over and over again...

But, seriously, what the shit?

I'm looking over how many celebrities are scientologists and there are SO FUCKING MANY. Most of the major ones of my childhood, and a lot more from further back.

How can these people be so gullible and moronic to join a cult started under a hundred years ago that espouses a ridiculous philosophy that would cause more harm than good if it came out into the world?

I mean, I can understand Sarah Palin being a scientologist (and, yes, apparently she is, she just hides it very well), but there're some genuinely funny and intelligent people who still believe in this bullshit. :|

Is anyone here a scientologist and can explain this? Or is everyone on B12G more intelligent than "gullible moron"?

DF Modding / Mapscript to Create Desert + Rainforest?
« on: November 30, 2010, 03:24:07 pm »
Does anyone have any idea how to set up a mapscript to give me vast swaths of desert and isolated pockets of rainforest? I don't really want to sit through three thousand rejections to try and get a decent map.

Help please. :<

Other Games / Troubles with Gaming Today?
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:25:42 am »
So, what do you guys feel are the "troubles" with game design, development and release, today? What really grinds your gears when you look at the industry and see it's flaws? What pisses you off the most?

For me, it's the hilariously shitty game designers. People who fairly obviously don't know how to design a varied, balanced and fun game experience in PvP are the major factor. Anyone can make a single-player game work, but it's in multiplayer the troubles start.

Let's take a look at World of Warcraft's PvP for an example. In the beginning (Vanilla), stuff was majorly unbalanced. Character builds and classes were absolutely crazy in terms of balance, and some classes were completely useless (hi warlocks). There were some minor balance patches, but they quite honestly did shit all. The irony of all this is the small fact that I can see that the game would've been far better balanced if they hadn't scrapped some of the plans from alpha  / early beta (thank you Tigole, you turd).

Going into The Burning Crusade, we see an emphasis on the usefulness of other talent trees and the start of the trend that I like to call "degestalisation". Classes and talent trees were still pretty distinct, but we began to get a lot of ability crossover and classes getting abilities that nullified the weaknesses that they started out with in Vanilla (like the hunter ability to escape snares for about ten seconds, every wonder why beastmastery was such a big thing?). This was not a good thing. It made classes slightly less distinct and blurred what their strengths and weaknesses were meant to be.

Now, in Wrath of the Lich King, classes are started to seem completely different to the concept of what they're meant to be, and are starting to sort've blur together. Sure, they have different abilities etc, but the degree of normalisation, standardisation and ability giving has led to classes not really having any particular weaknesses (or very minor ones) and only certain distinct strengths. Sure, you can snare a hunter, but then he'll just trinket out of it or be beastmaster and use his big red pet. How do you take down a hunter nowadays? I don't have a clue. Presumably just doing lots of damage to him instead of any real clever use of abilities.

It happened in Runescape, too. Mages started getting heavy armour with protection against melee and ranged damage (whilst they're meant to be glass cannons) and that got the ball rolling to completely fuck up balance. How is an archer meant to compete if he's frozen into an icy block? Oh, better damage arrows or protection against ice or etc etc... It completely fucked up PvP in Runescape, made it pretty much useless to be a high level in all things, since you'd just get frozen and murdered by people with a high level in magic and magic only.

It's sad that all the very good game designers are in board games / P&P gaming, and computer gaming seems to be stuck with the rejects and idiots who don't really know how to design games, but merely know a bit of coding to go along with it.

So, what do you think are the troubles with gaming today?

General Discussion / Obsession with "New Age" Vampires?
« on: November 30, 2010, 03:42:34 am »
I don't get it.

What is the obsession with new age vampires? They all take away the essential concepts of what made vampires cool (and I can only presume attractive to women) and changed them completely.

Like the whole "emotionless" thing. Vampires are meant to be cold blooded killers who don't give a shit about anyone. When you give them emotions and make them just as human and irritating as everyone else, it kinda ruins it. I'd've thought it'd've put off women, too, but apparently changing something completely, making it drink blood and calling it a "vampire" makes it a god damn vampire.

In my mind, vampires represent death. They're cold, unstoppable and uncaring. Changing any of that for your average vampire (yes, sadly, Buffy falls under this too, but that's excusable due to "demons"), makes them not be a vampire.

As a contrast, werewolves are the forces of nature. Tornadoes, tsunamis, storms. They come fast and go fast and are barely predictable. They're emotional, hot-blooded and filled with rage.

But people try to be making vampires into werewolves that drink blood. I don't get why women LIKE this. Is the only thing sexy about vampires the fact they drink blood? That's a bit retarded and makes me feel like some women are seriously shallow. :|

Can anyone explain any of this?

Other Games / I Don't Understand the Love of Consoles
« on: November 29, 2010, 07:40:26 am »
I just don't get why people prefer consoles over computers. I can build a computer, nowadays, that's quite capable of playing Crysis on medium-high settings for under £300 off vendors, not even whilst looking for deals. It'll probably be capable of playing Crysis 2 fairly well, too, assuming they don't completely bugger up the ports and end up with an entirely unoptimised piece of shit.

So, why do people prefer consoles? Is it because of the options to play Co-op? Most games don't even allow co-op on a single machine anymore except for the Wii, which may explain it's amazing sales. Is it because it's cheaper? Like I said, I could build a PC for about as much as an X-Box and only a bit more than a PS3. Is it just because PC games are considered nerdy? I don't get it.

So, yeah, does anyone know why people prefer consoles?

General Discussion / "Just Shoot Him!"
« on: November 28, 2010, 07:29:21 pm »
So, I've been watching Warehouse 13.

I just finished Season 1 and I'm struck dumb by the utter stupidity of the characters.

There is a major villain who knows the inner workings of the Warehouse, is shown to be a genius on levels equal to Moriarty, has caused the deaths of a LOT of people and...

They don't shoot him. They have him in their custody and are willing to ENCASE HIM IN BRONZE FOR ALL TIME instead of just putting a bullet in his brain. Of course...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Does this really piss off anyone else?

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