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Messages - Thorfinn

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DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Prepared ingredient spoiling in kitchen
« on: February 10, 2024, 05:07:02 pm »
You are correct. It's easy to duplicate, too. Just enable only 3 foodstuffs from the Kitchen menu and order a roast. And you are right in that you have to Take from the kitchen to get rid of them. Or at least my guys stood around doing nothing until I changed the stockpile to Take from Workshop. The jobs then immediately showed up in the J screen, and almost immediately they were taken and appeared in the U screen.

Still don't understand why the stockpiles won't gather from the kitchen without being explicitly told to. They gather from anywhere else on the map. And I don't understand why the cook wouldn't use non-TSK ingredients lying on the floor of his kitchen once I enable more ingredients. Why not take the stuff from 0 distance? But at least I know what to watch out for. Though honestly, it's a whole lot less hassle to just go back to building the kitchen and still on an "Outside" tile.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Prepared ingredient spoiling in kitchen
« on: February 10, 2024, 03:43:52 pm »
Oh, that's what is happening. So the answer is to either make sure there are plenty of ingredients on hand, or exactly the number you need. Makes sense, I guess. That's about when I would run out of ingredients brought on embark plus the butchered draft animals.

Is there a good way of having the cook use liquids without limiting the solid ingredients?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Prepared ingredient spoiling in kitchen
« on: February 09, 2024, 11:48:25 pm »
From time to time I get the message that the cook cancelled a job because not enough solid or unrotten ingredients, but I thought they checked for ingredients before they start the job, then flag the items they want to lock them. But me cancel them? No, I am pretty much hands off that level of micro anymore. Adding tasks to a specific workshop is about the most I interfere in the manager's job, and the first task in the game is a chair.

I have not tried Take from kitchen, now that you mention it. But yeah, there's a small stockpile that enabled all food so I can keep track of which things don't have stockpiles or have full barrels, but after about a year, the only reason anything ever ends up there is full barrels.

A little more information I have before it went miasma is that while I could mark it for Dump, no one would haul it away. Everything else I marked D, sure, they would haul that. But not those. I couldn't even autodump them.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Prepared ingredient spoiling in kitchen
« on: February 09, 2024, 06:37:47 pm »
In the past, I've always punted about things like "prepared yak eye" from going to miasma by simply putting my kitchen "outside". It just seems like there should be something to do with it. The cook hauls it to the kitchen and it sits there until it rots instead of being cooked into a roast or something. I can end up with the whole group idle, and with every hauling enabled, and the job to return it to the stockpile never comes up. Even dumping it doesn't work.

I must be doing something wrong. Or is "prepared turkey brain" completely useless except for producing miasma?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Is there a way to name farm animals?
« on: January 29, 2024, 07:56:27 pm »
Long as you're using dfhack, there's always autonestbox...
I must not be using it properly. It seems all the females get assigned nest boxes nowhere near the males, though from time to time, it seems simply walking past a pastured male 3 blocks away through a forbidden door is enough to fertilize eggs. I think it would be fine to do that with all the firstbrood who are just layers, since you only need a hen or two locked in a room to get a poultsplosion. Or was that what it was intended to do? That would work quite well if you wanted to trade lavish meals.

Also, enabling the nestboxes plug-in with
Code: [Select]
enable nestboxes will cause DFHack to automatically scan for and forbid fertilized eggs, preventing them from being collected by your dwarves.
Works pretty well. As long as I know which are fertile anyway, why not do it automatically? Thanks.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Is there a way to name farm animals?
« on: January 15, 2024, 03:17:29 pm »
Thought I'd mention that "rename" works great. First, cage the females and pasture the males in 1x1s where you want them. Release all the females of one species from the cage while you place nest boxes where you want that species, let them claim whichever box they want, then "k" on each,

rename unit 1
rename unit 2

etc. When you go back to assign zones, you now know which female is sitting on which eggs, which are most likely fertile because the males were already in place.


DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Is there a way to name farm animals?
« on: January 11, 2024, 01:56:07 pm »

I'll DL DFHack now.

It's been about 3 decades since I've coded anything significant in C, but I do teach lead an extension class for the local high school in scripting -- Lua, Ruby, Python, Javascript, that kind of thing. But looks like with gm-editor, I don't even have to do that. ;)

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Is there a way to name farm animals?
« on: January 11, 2024, 12:46:26 am »
47.05 (I am so not a fan of mouse only controls.)

I'm in the terribly time consuming part of assigning 1x1 zones for all my hens (usually 4 each of the 6 flavors) and realized I could speed up the process greatly if I could give each female a unique name, like hen1, hen2, pea1, gui4, etc. But I can't figure out a way to do that. I've even downloaded the right version of Therapist, but it doesn't appear to exist there, either.

Can they be renamed or nicknamed?

Or is there now some easier way to deal with poultry? Other than just not bring them along, I mean.

As an example, I'd much prefer QoL changes like an easier method of poultry farming. When a hen is ready to lay an egg, she tries to path to an empty nest box, ideally one where she is pastured. Seems to me anything beyond that is complication for complication's sake.

Complication for complication's sake is the whole deal of this game. There is so much simulation that would be completely superfluous in another game, but the extreme (and sometimes perhaps pointless) depth I feel is the whole point. This is a simulation first, and a game second.
Maybe. The complication level is quite varied. For example, I know of no way to tell the brewer to make blackberry wine other than to forbid all other fruits, while I give the jeweler explicit instructions of not only what kinds of gems to encrust a certain quiver with, but also the quality of those gems. It's not complication for complication's sake, at least not consistently.

Every major release is followed by a long series of bug fixes. This isn't new.
Sort of. On Steam, it isn't common to have major bugs lasting one revolution around the sun. Which is why I thought a Steam release might be a good thing. Turns out...
Turns out, releasing on Steam didn't magically duplicate Toady into a company full of programmers dedicated to fixing bugs. Well, funny that....
I get that. Releasing on Steam entails a lot of obligations on the programmer, not the least of which is Workshop integration. Compare the difficulty of modding on the Steam platform vs. modding in classic. Anything beyond reactions, raws and tilesets? "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave."

The "one man show" doesn't really cut it, particularly when DF has had a following loyal enough to dedicate scads of time to reverse-engineering data files, the executable, and even RAM, which, arguably, might have been of more use finding bugs and producing the kind of content we already see on Steam.

Stardew Valley is not remotely close to the level of detail that is DF, (and not in a genre I enjoy anyway), yet one-man show. Gnomoria, too, for that matter. Do I care that there are forty-eleven non-fruit-bearing trees in DF vs. the two in Gnomoria? Not really, particularly when there is no difference in appearance, anway. A subtle difference in shading of the ASCII symbol at most, but usually the only way to distinguish betwixt them is a single word in the "loo(k)" command.

As an example, I'd much prefer QoL changes like an easier method of poultry farming. When a hen is ready to lay an egg, she tries to path to an empty nest box, ideally one where she is pastured. Seems to me anything beyond that is complication for complication's sake.

General Discussion / Re: Reactions to Chinese White Balloon of DEATH
« on: February 06, 2023, 07:30:06 pm »
And yet, if by some freak chance a piece of debris hit and damaged something civilian, I'd be hearing "President Biden doesn't care what happens to any of us!  He'd probably bomb you right now if he wanted!" instead of "Our president's weak and waited days to shoot it down!"

Presumably the intelligence community thought there was no risk to letting it drift for a while before shooting it down over the ocean, but I doubt we'll ever get the full story.
Sure, but the same would be true whichever way it turned out.

I don't pretend Biden did not face a "heads you lose, tails you lose" situation. That's probably true.

But the IC's opinion? Seriously? Does anyone with more than a room temperature IQ (Celsius) think the IC have any credibility? They were completely wrong on several instances, including Hunter's laptop. If you don't have some reason to believe them in in this case, and you believe them, you are a  ....

Every major release is followed by a long series of bug fixes. This isn't new.
Sort of. On Steam, it isn't common to have major bugs lasting one revolution around the sun. Which is why I thought a Steam release might be a good thing. Turns out...

General Discussion / Re: Reactions to Chinese White Balloon of DEATH
« on: February 06, 2023, 04:54:00 pm »
It's silly because of just how much of the US is actually just uninhabited wilderness.  I mean, randomly drop a school bus on the continental US and compute the odds of it hitting anything.  Now drop it not randomly, trying to avoid hitting anything - even if you get something like 10 miles of drift due to winds aloft.  I mean falling with a "slow" terminal velocity of 100mph is about 150ft/second, or 9000 feet per minute. 

This means even from 60000ft it would only take about 7 minutes to hit the ground, call it 0.1 hours.  Even if you had 100mph winds aloft the whole way down, that's a drift of only about 10 miles.

There are many, many places in the US where you have 400 square miles (20 miles x 20 miles) that are basically empty, drop it down in one of those.

Thus the assertion: It's a silly argument.
Yep. And we are talking Montana, which does not have enough population to get more than one representative. And, yet, the 4th biggest state?

Dropping a bus on someone in Montana is roughly the same odds as shooting into the air and the bullet hitting a hemophiliac named Seth.

What kind of a "democrat" could reject the plebicite?

RD probably does not want my endorsement, but the fact is that he is right. Everyone, including the Ukrainian government, agreed that when the guy from our church was killed in Donetsk, it was the Azov battalion that was responsible. They promised to prosecute. And yet...

Yep, I get that most people, from any side, cannot help but base their opinions on confirmation bias. So mostly we are probably going to have to eventually accepting that reality displaces fantasy, no matter how many people have to die.

General Discussion / Re: Armchair Economics Thread - Re-Resurrection
« on: February 02, 2023, 03:48:58 pm »
Pretty much every time the power goes out in the summer, there are some people who go around and buy all the ice available. Sure, part of it goes to keeping the food cold, but a lot of it just gets put in dishpans to keep some room cooler than it otherwise would be, or dumped in a kiddie pool in the back yard to keep the beer on ice. Quite a bit of it melts on the back porch, never having been put to any use at all, but, hey, at a buck a bag, why not? If you needed it, you had it. On the other hand, the guy who needed a small cooler full to keep his medication cold but got to the store too late is just screwed.
Lol why are you okay with this?
What makes you think I'm OK with it? I'm just saying it's what happens.

In this world, there are people like the first guy. Whatever the policy, it has to deal with the problems these guys cause. Some stores try limits, which sort of work, but then the same guy just makes trips through each checkout line with 2 bags at a time, and more than once I've seen people with far more than the limits with the clerk giving him a nasty look, but making the sale anyway. At, say, $5 a bag, he's more likely to think, "Do I really need more ice? A bunch of it just melted last time." And the guy with the critical need is much happier to pay $5 than to not have any at all.
In this world people who tried price gouging everyone on PPE and alcohol gel got their stocks confiscated and redistributed for free to keep staff stocks high lol. In this scenario it's that one asshole who bought all the ice to resell it for $5 a bag being forced to give it to the guy who needs to chill their med stocks for free. Supermarket is happy because the price gouger already paid for it all, med stocks are chilled, price gouger gets gouged, world is good
Yep. Agreed. So, like in the real world, next time people won't bother to buy generators to bring them to where people need them. No one gets generators? That's supposed to be a good thing?

By the way, there's an easy way to keep from being exploited by gougers. Just don't buy from them. But don't even attempt doing the same with the taxing authorities. If you want to know who the real exploiters are, ask yourself, "To whom can I say, 'No'".
Price gougers only arise in situations where supply can be constrained by individuals with outsized market power compared to actual consumers; in such cases where a commodity suddenly becomes critical or supply chains are suddenly interrupted, only an active elimination of predatory gougers is sufficient. If for example someone tried buying all of a certain antibiotic to resell to hospitals, "not buying" is not an option, as the need is constant and immediate. This is especially true for any resource whose supply is being unnaturally limited by a few gougers accumulating great stockpiles to induce an artificial drought in supply
This is just silly. In any economy of any size at all, any "market power" that exists is simply because government has decided to interpose itself. Otherwise, the guy who buys for the least, and has the lowest overhead, can afford to sell for the lowest price, which we know the consumer prefers.

I get the feeling you are coming from a lesser developed country.
I live in the UK. You can drink the tap water and breath the air, but give it some time, we're slowly sinking into the stone age ;(
OK. Mostly we can drink the water and breathe the air, except for the relative handful of places where government says it is in charge of water and air. Like for instance, Flint, MI or Jackson, MS.

If you live somewhere that options like this do not exist, where there are no sales except gougers, I feel sorry for you, though I can't really empathize as I have no frame of reference.
Even countries with excellent supply in whatever resources can suddenly experience the conditions necessary to allow price gouging to exist, e.g. Covid-19, the blocking of the Suez Canal, Black Sea shipment blockade, sudden panic/hype over a certain resource e.t.c.
Nope. There are always people who anticipate bizarre, tin-foil hat events. The massive big box stores are not this type. But they manage to find enough morons to blame "gougers" so that they can maintain their profit margins.

Feel free to root for the megacorps all you like. Personally, I'd like it if the local grocery store had a shot.

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