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Topics - lazygun

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I saved a duplicate copy of my fort for checking legends mode after I found a dead "@" visitor in a random hallway. Apparently they died of thirst, a season after arriving.

But while browsing my fort's history, I also noticed several artifacts and books getting destroyed. Even in the first summer, before I had an atom smasher, before I reached the magma. Every such artifact that I checked, was destroyed in the exact season that its creator/holder immigrated to my fort. It seems that it's the immigration itself that is doing this.

Has anyone else noticed the same thing? Is this a known bug?

When the "goblin" siege of humans and dwarves rounded the corner and came in sight of my hastily prepared defending squads, chaos broke loose. Mostly my dwarves fighting and killing each other. And now on the Civilization relations screen the dwarven Civ is shown up with a W.

Loyalty cascade right? I've heard of them but never seen one before.

But I can't work out what on earth triggered it. My squads had simple orders to just stand in position. I save-scummed and succumbed to the siege to check the legends. Apparently the marksdwarf in charge of the siege was a former member of my Civ. Would that do it?

DF General Discussion / That's one amazing worldgen kobold!
« on: July 15, 2014, 06:08:24 am »
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I wanted to start an adventurer to seek him out and talk to him, but unfortunately the human Astan Soldhall cornered him and struck him down in year 70.

DF General Discussion / Videos of artificial lava flow.
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:10:28 pm »
Ars Terchnica today had an article about researchers at Syracuse creating artificial lava by heating basalt and then dribbling it out of the furnace. Want to see what happens with magma on ice? Take a look at or watch "lava flow no. 5" on the researcher's site

'It's just like The Dream'

'Aye, Lad, except we managed to trade for supplies first.'

Everyone in the fortress had had The Dream. All 26 dwarfs: even little Rimtar Tamecobalt, the three year old tyke. Everyone knew the horror when, with the dwarven trade caravan in the depot, 30 assorted undead attacked. Human corpses, goblin corpses, even dwarf corpses. Everyone saw the military fall one by one, saw the much better equipped caravan guards fall, saw the hastily drafted military fall too, leaving half the fort dead and the remaining dozen survivors too griefstruck to do anything as the traders panicked and left.

The Dream cast a shadow over the fortress. Plans had been changed. The depot was deconstructed and rebuilt inside the fortress proper. Six of the dwindling number of precious granite boulders had been sacrificed to make the river bridge retractable and install a new raisable drawbridge in the fortress entrance.

The caravan arrived. And left. And even though the events of The Dream had not occured, the dwarves still felt unease. The miners toiled in the depths and finally breached the aquifer. Dwarfs ventured outside again, but never for long. Vucar Syrupkindles wore his new steel armour all the time, and slept cradling his new bronze battleaxe.

Late in the winter, though winter was marked by a heat that was only slightly more bearable, Kivish Cavestruck was digging a defensive trench when she spotted them. There must have been 30 corpses approaching the fort. She ran for the fort shouting "Inside Now!" at the woodcutters and woodhaulers. The river bridge was already retracted but all the undead were on the wrong side of the river. That is to say they could all reach the fort without crossing it.

The three military dwarves stood behind the depot looking down the tunnel, towards the bright entrance. Vucar, clad in steel, Ùshrir Focustowns wearing leather and Vucar's old bone helm and gauntlets and hefting a bronze hammer, and Tulon Martyrtour, wearing leather and carrying one of the fortress's two crossbows and the only quiver. Ùshrir spoke to his son Rimtar. 'We're gonna need more troops. Find the gaffer and get him to draft the two diggers. Can you do that?' The tiny boy nodded and ran off to find the expedition leader.

'This is a bad business', Vucar said to Ùshrir. 'We need to let them attack by ones and twos, swarm them, then wait for the next few. Then we might just make it.' He looked back down the corridor at the meeting area, where civilians were milling around. 'Everything is under control, but get ready to pull that lever,' he bellowed, pointing at the one on the north side of the passage, the one that raised the entrance drawbridge and sealed the fort from the outside world.

Kivish arrived, wielding a shield and carrying a bronze pick. 'I got here as fast as I could', she explained, 'but I had to get myself a new pick. The old copper one didn't feel right for combat', she explained.

'Where's Onget? Still digging stone below the aquifer?'

'I'm here!' Onget Friendwinds announced, appearing at the depot. She had managed to scrounge up a rather inferior bone helm and leather armour.

The light behind Onget was occluded. 'Schist! They're here!', Vucar cursed. 'Alright. The plan is...' but Onget was already charging down the corridor past the flood of puppies streaming the other way, yelling a battle cry.

'Come back, you fool!', yelled Vucar. 'We can't seal off the tunnel with you there!'.

Tulon aimed his crossbow at one of the shadows in the entrance. Ùshrir frowned in puzzlement and asked of nobody in particular, 'What did he shout?'

Onget bashed a zombie with her shield, hacked at one with her pick, and kicked a third. Dogs around her snapped at the walking corpses. A zombie fell. Another one. A dog yelped in pain. Onget spun around and broke a rotting arm off its owner. In the time it took to dispose of a zombie, two more arrived to take its place.

'Shouldn't we be helping?', Ùshrir asked Vucar.

'Naah! Then there'd be three dead dwarves instead of one.'

Bash the human corpse! smash the dwarf corpse's thigh bone! shatter the goblin corpse's skull! Feeling more alive than ever, Onget had entered a trance and nothing but the immediate fight existed to her. Smash! Block! Bash! Dodge! Charge that one and knock it over!

'It's amazing she lasted this long.'

'They're mostly attacking the dogs.', Vucar said. 'So as long as the dogs live, she lives. Lucky the dogs are good at dodging.'

Ùshrir, watching the fight, winced. 'Mostly.' He said. 'Look! She's a hero. No question about it. She must have finished off half the attackers. But all it takes is one unlucky blow and she's finished! Are you going to let that happen to her? You, the only trained military dwarf in the fortress? Clad in your fancy steel armour? Oh no! She's hurt! One of them hit her thigh!'

Vucar pondered. 'You're right!' he said. 'Ùshrir! Kivish! On my mark, follow me! Tulon! To the entrance! But no further, mind. Ready... Go!'

The dwarfs ran along the tunnel, jumping over the corpse of a war dog and into the fray! 'Aha! Two!' Vucar yelled as a zombie fell. 'Seventeen', Onget said with a flat voice.

The fight was fierce but short, and soon even the straggling attackers lay dead on the parched ground. Onget's tally was up to nineteen kills while Vucar had claimed a third. The remaining kills were assumed to belong to the dogs. The warriors stood, numb, amid the carnage, as Stâkud the expedition leader emerged.

'Good work, all of you!' He said. Take a drink break, but the work isn't over. Let's see. We need to turn... that dry murky pond over there into a sheer-walled disposal pit and I need to make one, two, three... eight caskets. We know nothing about the life of these dwarfs but they deserve a proper burial no matter what happened to them after death.
Stâkud walked over to Onget and hugged her. 'You were magnificent, love' he said.

The dwarves entered the welcome cool darkness of the fort, leaving Ùshrir alone for a moment. The amateur hammerdwarf frowned in puzzlement and wondered aloud, 'What was that battlecry? What manner of hero or god is Leeroy?'

DF Gameplay Questions / Stockpile management in 0.34.10
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:03:01 pm »
Some people say the hauling changes have vastly improved siege cleanup. My experience seems to be the opposite. The dwarves carry bins out into the battlefield, add a single item to the bin and then leave the bin standing in the open while they do something else. By the time the next ambush arrives I have more stuff  outside the fort than when I started. Then along comes a tribe of monkeys, and "A Gray Langur has stolen Kun Otil!".

Kun Otil, a legendary wooden blowpipe.

Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

So, what's the efficient way to manage my stockpiles and hauling?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / My first minecart accident.
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:09:23 am »
The *maple minecart* strikes the Stray Dog in the lower body, bruising the muscle and bruising the guts!
The Stray Dog looks sick!
The Stray Dog's left front leg skids along the ground, bruising the muscle!
The Stray Dog's right front leg skids along the ground, bruising the muscle!
The Stray Dog vomits.
The Stray Dog slams into an obstacle
The Stray Dog retches.
The stray Dog vomits.
The Stray Dog stands up.
The Stray Dog is no longer stunned.
The Stray Dog vomits.

On the bright side, that proves I have managed to figure out the interface to use the things. I've now marked the track as 'restricted' instead of 'low traffic'. That won't help with the dogs of course.

Hm... you know, running the track through my temporary meeting room was a particularly dorfy facepalm-worthy thing to do.

DF Suggestions / Nice fort you've got here...
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:08:29 pm »
I remember the first time I met with the human diplomat and he admired my fort.

I would love it if he sometimes carried on with the words I half-expected him to say then.

"... it would be a pity if something... (significant pause) ... happened to it."

An idea to keep in mind when we start getting more into inter-civilization diplomacy.

DF Suggestions / Stockpile sorting by condition
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:43:05 am »
This is just a little suggestion prompted by the clothing update. Since my bins now have an assortment of XXpigtail sockXXs, it would be really handy if I could create a special stockpile just for the worn out clothing.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Not quite got the hang of armor?
« on: September 07, 2011, 09:22:02 am »
The Bogeyman punches You in the right eyelid with its right hand, bruising the skin through the iron mail shirt.

Ah! So that's why I'm having trouble hitting anything!

DF Gameplay Questions / How do I make wounded dwarves rest?
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:42:39 am »
After the latest goblin attack, where I charged out of the gate in a vain attempt to save the human caravan from the vile forces of darkness, I have two wounded dwarves lying on the ground, unable to walk but without the "rest" labour. That seems to also prevent dwarves rescuing them and carrying them down to the hospital.

Is there any way to reset these dwarves so they don't starve or die of thirst?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Memorial Halls
« on: July 26, 2011, 06:03:30 am »
Since I turned my statue garden into a memorial hall, my dwarves get happy thoughts from admiring the workmanship of the slabs, *and* from admiring the various statues I strategically placed along my main hallways.

Additionally, I don't think I've seen a dwarf organize a party in the hall. Cool!

I also just noticed that slabs have a unique 'v' description.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / How could I kill this forgotten beast?
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:17:30 am »
Zagith Dushigocg  Tholelcur

A great humanoid composed of sardonyx. It has a pair of branching antennae and it undulates rhythmically. Beware its poisonous gas!

I don't really need to kill it, since I have all the caverns blocked off, but it's made of a gemstone. Greed!

But I don't really want to get up close to it, and It looks like bolts would just bounce off it.

DF General Discussion / A visit to an abandoned copper mine
« on: September 06, 2010, 05:12:05 am »
The linked article caught my interest only because of my experiences of DF. It's a wonderfully evocative description of the passages and mine workings.

Oh yeah, and the mine was made by dwarves! Well the writer believes it must have been, because he kept bumping his head on the low ceiling.

DF General Discussion / Role Reversal
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:03:31 pm »
I was playing Battle for Wesnoth. Excellent game. For those who don't know, it's a wargame based in a fairly standard fantasy setting with elves, dragons, undead, and of course dwarves. Plenty of user-generated campaigns too. The gimmick for the campaign I just downloaded and started is that you have an unusual form of magic, elementalism, not seen elsewhere in the game. So there I was in a cavern learning how to summon an army of water elementals, fire elementals, and so on, and then... the dwarves broke into my cavern while mining for a particular rare and magical metal! I looked in stunned surprise. Every now and then a campaign scenario will suddenly change the rules leaving the player out of position and unprepared. And then I started laughing! I am the HFS! Mwahahaha! And then I crushed the dwarves.

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