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Messages - awdball

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DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: How have your dwarves surprised you today?
« on: September 11, 2009, 07:23:11 pm »
In my latest fort I have a cage cleaning room and archery range, which amounts to a door that can be locked and a wall of fortification for my marksdwarf to stand behind. I build the dozen caged gobos into the slaughter room, hook them up to levers, lock the door, station the military and pull the lever like I've done 3 dozen times already.

Except this time I notice a message about Urist McChild entering a rage.

It seems it was take your kid to work day and junior decided it would be fun to watch from the other side of the fortification.

The surprising thing... in the end, even after mom runs out of bolts and just stands on the ammo stockpile doing nothing for half a minute before re-loading, the kid is still alive with only one bruise. Future champion wrestler that sounds like to me.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: How long for fish stocks to recover?
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:31:29 pm »
That is odd, there must be some other factors at work here. I have a small isolationist fort that I've been running for 20 or 30 dwarf years now, working on second generation dwarves, and I get vermin fish and turtle stocks replenishing every season. For the first dozen years I was fishing out the swamps each season but now my fishers are so good I had to turn off fishing or suffer the consequences of having a hundred turtle rotting because they overflowed my meager barrel supply. I about 90% sure that that game is in 40d12, but there's a slim chance it's still in 40c. My map is a wet forested map with an aquifer and many ponds but no brook or river.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: How long for fish stocks to recover?
« on: July 21, 2009, 12:49:20 pm »
Each season there is a refresh to the supply in murky pools and the like of the vermin fish and turtles.


DF Suggestions / Re: Pathing and Connectivity
« on: July 20, 2009, 05:26:26 pm »
One tweak to the existing pathing that I think would help the sanity of miners is some variation on pretending the square to be mined is pathable and or pathing backwards from the square to be mined to the square the dwarf is in. Depending on the specifics of Toady's implementation either might allow the dwarf to find the nearest face to mine from.


DF Gameplay Questions / Re: cave-ins destroying items?
« on: July 16, 2009, 12:09:36 pm »
Well planned builder cleanup can be a very efficient way to move stuff sometimes, because no nasty pathing issues they just buckle down and move all that stuff during the one job.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Clearing land out AG for farming
« on: July 15, 2009, 04:23:49 pm »
Simple way to clear most things off an outdoor plot for farming is to build a dirt road over the area first. But the best way to get pristine plots, if you have a layer of soil, is to dig one z level down, like others have suggested. I recommend ramps then remove as opposed to canals though for the excavation to avoid cave-ins. NOTE you must still get rid of the trees to avoid all cave-in chances.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Weird problem with marksdwarf
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:19:57 am »
"Steel Chainmail, Left hand" may be the real problem. You might try completely disarming & unsuiting him on the weapong screan and then once he's dropped everything re-arming. Just a guess.

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: framerate stuttering
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:37:57 pm »
Watch what your dorfs are doing when that happens. I had an issue for a while when I had two completely seperate regions with no path available between them. The Dorfs were dug in and holed up but some tame critters were still outside. If I queued a cage animal task for one of the outside critters, then every couple seconds one of my dorfs would stop deap, flash '?', and the frame rate would plumet, until he gave up on the job.

Repeated cycling of the frame rate usually means to me that it's a pathing issue chewing up all the CPU coming up in a job queue then getting cancelled then coming up again later, rinse and repeat.


DF General Discussion / Re: Running DF from a thumb drive
« on: November 20, 2008, 12:20:31 pm »
The absolute worst case scenario I've run into when running on a flash drive was, when the drive filled up. The game didn't notice the corruption until the second save so I lost a lot of game time, and gave no option to recover. If you like to run with autosave on season changes then make sure you have enough space.


DF Bug Reports / [40d] [dwarf mode][moods] Crash
« on: October 31, 2008, 03:20:51 pm »
I got a crash on the job list screen when my mayor was in a Strange Mood and apparently needed a shop I didn't have yet. I had queued up the construction of the last few shops but am pretty sure none of them had been finished yet.

I went into the job list screen 'j' and noticed the character with the mood had a building associated with the job (a Jewelers Workshop, one of the new ones) so I hit 'b' to go to the shop and see if he had the materials he needed. The game paused for about 3-4 seconds then crashed.

I don't have a save game where this repros yet

I just saw something that may explain a few folks problems with merchants bolting for no apparent reason. I had a corridor walled in to "protect" the merchants from the indigenous species but I hadn't finished paving it. While I was watching the wagons rolling in I saw them suddenly explode, horses started wandering and merchants turned around and started heading for the edge of the map. What had happened was a sapling in the middle of the corridor had just grown up to be a tree in the middle of the wagon.

I'm not sure what a good solution would be. I think I'd prefer killing a sapling that grows up into an occupied square simply becoming a dead sapling instead of a full tree. That would include a sapling that was walled, paved, or bridged over. Any thoughts folks?

Was what I saw the intended behaviour Toady?


DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Pumps???
« on: July 04, 2008, 09:55:37 am »

DF Gameplay Questions / Re: So Many Aquifiers, So Little Stone.
« on: July 04, 2008, 12:55:07 am »
An easier sink for water is the same aquifer you're pumping out of. Just be sure to leave enough room if you have more than one layer of aquifer to get through.


DF Gameplay Questions / Re: Oceanic Glacier Fortresses
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:40:07 am »
If you look at northwest corner of my oceanic challenge map in the archive you can see an example of pumping the water into a cistern to "magically" desalinate it. It works for now but is just exploiting a bug until there is a way to have fresh water on a salt water map. Basically pumping water into a chamber that is completely rewalled and re-floored so the water doesn't touch the virgin stone or ground, will make it potable for some reason.

Later a made a second desalinization plant closer to the underwater fort, but I haven't posted that one yet.


DF Bug Reports / Re: Bug: All Invaders Defeated, Siege Has Not Lifted
« on: June 30, 2008, 10:44:39 pm »
One thing that might work to break the seige would to resurrect one of the invading goblins and let him run away. Or maybe try killing them again. Doesn't Dwarf Companion allow you to resurrect a fallen soul? I can't get it to run at the moment or I'd play with it.


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